Victoria's Secret's style of choice

Work, relationships, family life and the past were all wearing her down. She's not a hero, she's just an ordinary woman in Twilight Town.

Mainstream film and television works rarely focus on the daily life of middle-aged women, and few will show the life of a middle-aged woman in such detail as "East Side Nightmare".

But unlike movies that make characters look ugly, Eastside Nightmare is real.

In an interview, Kate said that when she was filming a scene in which her belly was exposed, she asked the director not to photoshoot or delete the scene later, because she wanted to show people what a middle-aged woman looks like.

She also refused to remove wrinkles on promotional posters

"I said to them, I have a few wrinkles in the corners of my eyes and I know, please put them all back."

She presented herself to the public as a normal, normal woman who would grow old and gain weight and lose her figure after having a few children, but there was nothing wrong with that.

Because it's not something to be afraid of.

The commercial lens is always used to chasing those carefully polished beauty and flamboyant life. This aesthetic guides the eyes of the audience and makes them care about the marks left by the age on the appearance of women.

Carey Mulligan, in "An Education", "The Great Gatsby" and other classics contributed many memorable beautiful images.

Her new work "A Girl with a Bright Future" also shows excellent acting, shaping a two-sided life of a woman who is burdened with an unfortunate past and wants revenge.

But in the face of such a complex and worthy of discussion, people focus on Carey Mulligan's changing face.

All these reveal that people's harsh requirements for women's age and appearance have affected the appreciation and understanding of art.

Does it have to be pretty and hot enough to be worth seeing? Can we tolerate and peacefully let women age normally?

Many actresses who have reached 30+ and 40+, with a wrinkle or aging look, will be amplified and amplified by public opinion.

At the same time, it also derives the aesthetic guidance of "freezing age" and "reverse growth" which are contrary to normal physiological changes.

In contrast, the real life of middle-aged women is rarely seen.

If there were more regular women in movies and television - wrinkles, spots, bodies that start to lose their shape and all that normal aging should look like - then maybe people would stop using age to hold women back.

"My face is a map, and if you change it, you lose the original route."

You will see the wrinkles on her face and the marks of all the years passing through it so clearly. These gifts of time made her unique temperament, firm and fresh, full of life.

Women who truly accept self-change often have strong vitality, and physical and mental unity allows them to reconcile with their appearance and age.

Just like Kate Winslet has been doing for a long time, telling the younger generation that

Don't forget the feeling of the real world because of the false filter, because that is your own unique beauty.

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