Health is too important

I'm grateful. I'm relatively healthy. When I was in junior high school, my classmates caught a cold and were infected, but later I rarely caught a cold. Studying abroad, working, living these years, are very healthy. My healthy body also affects my mentality, which is often more optimistic. An optimistic attitude has a positive effect on the body.

Sometimes when I see my friends around me sick, I sympathize with them, but...... For example, a friend loves to eat oily and spicy food so much that he even had blood in his stool once. Not even thirty! After leaving hospital, I went to eat hot pot again! Another friend sits for a long time because our jobs involve spending a lot of time in front of the computer, searching literature, analyzing data, and writing articles. This friend is sitting too much and has a bad back. My relatives, once had the problem of blood in the stool but did not pay attention to it, until to check, it was relatively late......

Now my parents are getting older, they are sick, and they make me sad. Once so healthy, busy but full of vitality of my parents, I think of them sick, my heart is sad. My parents are engaged in medical, every year physical examination, is more attention to health. Aych!

In this article, I'd like to start by sharing some of the habits that have helped me a lot. Then share some health related scientific research and popular science that are very inspiring to me, such as diabetes, intestinal flora, and the possibility of miRNA in plants directly affecting human cells. Finally, I have some thoughts about Chinese medicine.

Go to bed early and get up early
Eat more vegetables and fruits
Don't always eat what you like. Eat a variety and balance of foods.
Pay attention to hygiene. Take showers if you can. Pay attention, do not wash too badly, the skin damage. Not when you're young, but when you're old. If you can't shower often, use a basin to catch water to wash often.
Brushing your teeth is also important. Oral hygiene not only affects your appetite, but also your oral flora and even your gut flora.
Try to choose cotton underwear. Don't strain. Wash and change as often as possible.
Sheets, sheets, pillowcases, change them often. Pillowcases can be changed more often.
Clean up the house.
Don't sit too long. Get up and move around a lot.
Don't drink soft drinks
You can play eight pieces of brocade
Phone and computer displays can be set to night mode or reduced blue light mode, which is better for the eyes. Of course, it's best to limit screen time.
The cutting board used at home, dishcloths, etc., should pay attention to frequent replacement, do not have mold, meaning.
Rotten vegetables and fruits should be thrown away, do not hesitate to throw away. Mold and toxins produced by mold can cause disease and even cancer. Like aflatoxin. Look it up. It's terrible.
Here are some tips for women

When women are young, in their teens, 20s and 30s, they should pay attention to calcium supplements and pay attention to exercise. Because calcium in our women's bones peaks in our thirties and then goes down.
Girls try to eat less cold drinks, especially when they are on their period.

Women's knee joints are not as durable as men's, so pay attention when exercising
When women have estrogen protection, they are less likely to have cardiovascular problems. You have to be careful when you lose your estrogen protection.
And I have something to say to young boys and girls that the little porn books won't tell you.

When it comes to sex, be cautious. This is the most intimate physical relationship between people, preferably between husband and wife, the most intimate relationship between people, enjoy this physical intimacy. Trust, accept each other.

If you do a quick search on Zhihu, you'll find questions like, "What if you live together for a long time and the other person doesn't mention marriage?" Don't listen to sweet talk. True love, will want to life, will want to get proof to promise, will want to cherish you and respect you.

You don't have to worry about how big or small it is. Only someone who wants to exploit your anxiety would create it for you. Read a proper medical book, don't listen to some people on the Internet.

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