Social health, mental health, emotional health, spiritual health and physical health.

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Many people may see this problem in a variety of different interpretations.

Some people will say that health is not the body looks not fat not thin, symmetry and strong; Some would say that good shape and strength are good health; Some people would say that being energetic every day, having enough energy to complete a tight daily life, is necessary for health; There are also people who say that health is the absence of disease, pain, the absence of needles and pills is health.

The general understanding of health is mainly the physical performance of the body. Many people often confuse health and fitness.

The word fitness refers to a person's ability to perform physical exercise. For example, improve physical appearance, muscle strength, physical flexibility, strength, endurance, etc. Then, people who look very healthy on the outside may not be healthy, and people who are very healthy may not look the perfect body shape.

Health in multiple latitudes
From the perspective of a health professional, health consists of five aspects, which are:

Social health, mental health, emotional health, spiritual health and physical health.

An individual's social well-being refers to his/her ability to form positive and meaningful relationships with others, which includes relationships with family, close friends, colleagues, social networks, etc.

  1. Mental health is when a person is in a state of mental and emotional well-being to cope with the stresses and pressures of life and to fulfil their potential by studying, working and contributing to the community. Upward or downward changes in mental health status can directly affect the rest of your health.

  2. Mental health is not just about religion. The mind cannot be defined as a part of the body or mind. Mental health can be achieved when one is at peace with life. When one is able to balance the way of thinking between reality and desire, one is able to find hope and comfort even in the most difficult moments of life. A person's mental health is the purpose of building life. Having a strong life purpose may have a positive impact on a person's emotional and mental health.

  3. Emotional health is the ability of individuals to control their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in response to different life scenarios. Emotionally healthy people tend to be more confident and healthy in all other aspects of their overall health.

  4. Physical health refers to many common concepts related to the human body, such as absence of disease, absence of pain, long life, quality of life and normal physical functioning. There is no absolutely specific definition of physical health. However, this is different from fitness. Physical health is closely related to mental health. Poor physical health can lead to poor mental health. The decline in physical health may affect health at several other latitudes.

Determinants of health
Many things in our lives affect health, from social or community-wide factors to individually relevant factors, such as the quality of medical care we receive, to genetic inheritance in our families.

All of these influences are directly or indirectly known as health determinants, and they have a positive or negative impact on the health of an individual, community, or social population as a whole.

A range of personal, social, economic and environmental factors that influence health status are known as the determinants of health.

For example:

For example:

Employment status
Social support system
Educational level
Social environment
Personal health behavior
Biological and genetic factors
Social culture

The framework divides the determinants of health into four main categories. It shows how the first major category (broad characteristics of social and environmental factors) determines the nature of other major groups (socioeconomic characteristics - health behaviors - genetic factors) and ultimately influences longevity, quality of life, physical functioning, disease, disability, injuries, etc.

Similarly, at each stage of this path, an individual's physical and mental composition interacts with various factors.

The study found that the overall stability and affluence of a society affect the health of the general population. The type of work, income status, education level, regional culture, social communication, emotional management and psychological stress of an individual affect the health level of the individual, which in turn affects the overall health level of the society.

Therefore, health is a multi-dimensional existence. Pay attention to your mental, mental, emotional and interpersonal health as well as your physical health. The pursuit of dynamic balance is the fundamental pursuit of health and the foundation of a happy life.

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