Limit salt, control weight and exercise to avoid blood pressure roller coaster

Hypertension is a common and frequently-occurring disease worldwide. If found in time or improper treatment, hypertension is easy to lead to stroke, myocardial infarction, heart failure and chronic kidney disease and other complications.

Therefore, everyone should know their own blood pressure and learn about blood pressure.

In the absence of antihypertensive drugs, blood pressure of more than 140/90 MMHG 3 times on different days can be diagnosed as hypertension and lifestyle intervention and medication can be started. When blood pressure is above 130/80mmHg, attention should be given.

How to determine whether the blood pressure is up to standard?

In hypertensive patients, blood pressure drops below 140/90mmHg

In patients with diabetes, coronary heart disease, heart failure, or chronic kidney disease with proteinuria, blood pressure should be controlled below 130/80 MMHG

In patients aged 65 to 79 years, blood pressure drops below 140/90 MMHG and can further drop below 130/80 MMHG if tolerated

Patients aged 80 years and older can be controlled to less than 140/90 MMHG.

In addition to the basic knowledge related to blood pressure, the public should also learn to identify some knowledge misunderstandings.

Some members of the public think they have "high blood pressure, but without any discomfort, then it is not a serious problem."

Most people with high blood pressure have a gradual increase in blood pressure, so it doesn't feel obvious, but even so, high blood pressure is still damaging your blood vessels, heart, kidneys, and other organs.

If left untreated, high blood pressure can lead to stroke, heart attack, kidney failure, aortic dissection and other health problems.

Some people think that "young will not get high blood pressure", the answer is no.

"High blood pressure is not an 'old age thing'. It can happen at any age."

Experts remind that the home should always have a blood pressure monitor, regular measurement, help to see blood pressure changes, timely detection of problems, control risk factors.

There are also patients who believe that "lifestyle management can cure high blood pressure without taking drugs." Although lifestyle is the basic means to prevent or manage high blood pressure, if you still have high blood pressure after 3 months of strict lifestyle management, or high blood pressure people at high risk should be immediately treated with antihypertensive drugs.

Exercise can relieve tension and reduce weight, experts recommend that patients according to their own conditions for 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity aerobic exercise, such as fast walking, jogging, swimming or cycling, while appropriate muscle strength exercises and flexibility exercises.

Hypertensive patients want to control their blood pressure, it is recommended to eat less salt and eat light.

Long-term scientific salt restriction can delay the rise of blood pressure with age. At the same time, people with high blood pressure should also eat more whole grains, fruits and vegetables and low-fat dairy foods, and eat less foods rich in saturated fat and cholesterol.

Experts said that in addition to diet, patients should focus on five aspects, including weight loss for overweight and obese people, moderate exercise, smoking and alcohol cessation, and maintaining a positive and optimistic attitude.

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