Experts are calling on people who sit for too long to move

For the working population, "sedentary" is the "norm." How much sitting is considered "sedentary", and what are the dangers of long-term "sedentary" health?

In view of the high incidence of "sedentary", how to relieve physical fatigue through scientific exercise?

National Fitness Day! I want you all to get moving! The World Health Organization recommends 30 minutes of physical activity three to five days a week.

Move, in order to be healthy, the various systems of the body circulation are good. "Sedentary people" need more exercise in order to give the brain a better rest, so that it can work better. Sitting for a long time is tiring for both body and mind

In general, sitting for more than 6 hours a day (can be interrupted), or continuous sitting for more than 2 hours, both of which are considered "sedentary", and both have an impact on physical health.

But the understanding of sitting varies from person to person, and for some people, such as those with venous thrombosis, the time period may be shortened.

Many studies have shown that sitting for a long time is very harmful to human health, affecting the skeletal muscle system, blood circulation system, respiratory system, digestive system and other whole body, but also closely related to cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes and other chronic diseases.

In addition, sitting for long periods of time can also cause fatigue throughout the body, which also has an impact on mental health.

People who sit for a long time in the office are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression, because they are highly nervous when working and ignore some of the body's reactions. When you relax, you will feel dizzy, aching back, and uncomfortable.

Therefore, sitting for a long time "both tired body and tired heart" will not only cause physical problems, but also cause psychological problems.

Understand your own physique, and exercise needs to be personalized

Studies have shown that physical activity is very important for maintaining good health and preventing chronic diseases, which can effectively improve adult sleep quality and reduce the occurrence of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

With the continuous popularization of the concept of national fitness, more and more people have realized the importance of exercise for physical and mental health. However, many people have greater blindness when participating in sports activities and do not know how to carry out scientific exercise.

Personalization is one of the important signs of scientific movement, and attention should be paid to the safety, effectiveness and sustainability of the movement.

Specifically includes several aspects of content, one is interested in, can stick to; The second is to be easy to adhere to, and the way of exercise should be convenient.

In addition, pay attention to the frequency and time of exercise, intensity, etc. It should be noted that before choosing a suitable exercise method for yourself, you should have an understanding of your own health status, you can come to a special medical institution to test your own physical condition, and according to the personalized exercise recommendations made by the doctor, the effect of health and bring a good experience.

The office can also practice "fitness exercise", move from head to toe

In response to the high incidence of "sedentary" problems, some simple and effective exercise methods can help everyone relieve physical fatigue.

For example, knock the head with both hands, knock from the front of the head to the back, knock for 3-5 minutes; Fingers comb hair, from front to back, slowly comb the hair action; You can also do eye exercises to relax the muscles around the eyes, press the temples, massage the ears and the surrounding areas; Both hands press, press and pinch the neck muscles, and beat the neck muscles with both hands. These methods are all for the purpose of relaxation.

You can also do breathing exercises, inhale deeply... exhale Inhaling can be faster, exhaling slower, through the control of breathing, relieve the whole person's mental state, help relieve fatigue.

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