Open the jump rope fitness method correctly

With the improvement of the public's attention to health and physical exercise, jumping rope has been favored by many people as a sport that requires a simple venue (one meter square, flat can be), easy to obtain equipment (a string, long enough), and flexible number of participants (one person, many people can also do).

Jumping rope has many advantages

Studies have confirmed that skipping has many benefits, such as promoting metabolism, enhancing cardiopulmonary function, efficiently burning fat, preventing muscle loss, and enhancing body coordination.

Jump rope is an efficient exercise that combines aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise. When jumping rope, the skeletal muscle and heart muscle of the whole body will exercise more strongly, promote blood circulation, speed up the delivery of oxygen and nutrients in the blood, and promote the discharge of waste in the body, which helps to reduce the content of metabolites such as cholesterol and uric acid in the blood, improve physical fitness, and eliminate a variety of chronic diseases.

Enhance cardiopulmonary function Through reasonable skipping exercises can effectively reduce the basic heart rate, shorten the time of heart rate recovery immediately after exercise, and achieve the effect of improving the cardiac function of exercisers.

At the same time, skipping exercise also helps to enhance lung function, through long-term practice can improve the exerciser's lung capacity and maximum gas volume, enhance the movement ability of the respiratory muscle and the recovery ability in the fatigue state.

In the world of weight loss, skipping is known as the "king of sports." Adhere to rapid skipping (150 times per minute) for half an hour is equivalent to the energy consumed by running for 1 hour, which shows that the fat burning efficiency of skipping is extremely high.

Skip rope is a regular movement of the whole body, exercisers jump to mobilize the shoulders, back, arms, calves, abdomens, thighs and other parts of the muscle group, can effectively enhance the strength of the ankle joint, knee ligament and lower limb muscle strength, prevent muscle loss, burning fat at the same time can make the body line become tighter, more symmetrical, beautiful.

Improving overall coordination Skipping rope requires the cooperation of the brain, eyes, hands and feet. Adhering to skipping rope exercise helps train the brain to adjust real-time feedback according to the movements of hands and feet, helps the human body to resist the interference of movement on the stability of the body posture and the destruction of balance, and helps to enhance the sense of balance, agility and coordination of the body.

In modern society, many jobs need to be completed at the desk, and people who work for a long time have increased spinal pressure and often have discomfort symptoms such as back pain. When jumping rope, the upper body is in a stretched state, and shaking the hands will fully mobilize the upper limb muscle group and the core muscle group of the back, which can relieve the pressure brought by sitting for a long time. In addition, adhering to skipping can also promote bone growth and development and enhance bone toughness.

Because the bones in the spine and lower limbs repeatedly collide with each other slightly when jumping rope, it can promote osteoblast differentiation, retain and store calcium ions, and reduce the loss of calcium; Promote blood circulation in bones and enhance bone metabolism.

When jumping rope, the hand holds the rope head, constantly rotating movement, can stimulate the acupoints of the palm and fingers, thus dredging the meridians of the hand, so that the meridians of the hand and upper limb flow freely to the brain; At the same time, when jumping to stimulate the foot acupoints, so that the limbs of the meridians of the circulation of Qi and blood, play the role of activating the channels, awakening the brain and brain.

In addition, the process of skipping also needs to keep counting, so that the brain's movement center and computing center are in an excited state, which can improve the brain's thinking flexibility and judgment.

Some people need to be cautious about jumping rope

While jumping rope has many benefits, it's not for everyone.

First of all, skipping requires multi-joint movement of the whole body, of which the lower extremity joint participation is the highest. People suffering from bone and joint diseases of the lower extremities, varicose veins of the lower extremities or other related diseases should be evaluated by a physician before starting to practice jumping rope.

Secondly, it is recommended that overweight people (BMI greater than 24) can first reduce their weight through diet control and other ways before jumping rope exercise. Because overweight people in the jumping, lower extremity load is greater than ordinary people, if the exercise foundation is insufficient, body stability and balance ability is poor, easy to cause lower extremity discomfort or accidental injury.

Finally, people suffering from heart disease or abnormal blood pressure, do not rashly participate in skipping sports, should first consult the attending physician's opinion, after the evaluation is allowed, and then carry out exercise.

Things to pay attention to when jumping rope

Choose the right rope according to their own situation to choose the material, weight, length of the appropriate rope. Plastic, rubber rope is more suitable for young and middle-aged people who jump rope faster, rope is more suitable for the elderly, children and other people, the weight of the rope to the wrist shaking the rope is not difficult, the appropriate length of the rope is the foot standing in the middle of the rope, the rope ends just in the armpit position.

Warm up before jumping rope. Warm up activities can promote blood circulation and joint synovial fluid secretion, prevent muscle and soft tissue strain, and joint stiffness; Help your heart rate and body temperature rise, reduce the time it takes your body to get into the best state, and delay the time it takes for the pole to arrive; Adjust the breathing rhythm and reduce the appearance of "fork" in training. Warm up exercises should focus on the wrist, shoulder, hip, knee and ankle joints.

The writhing exercise, the shoulder exercise, the squat lifting exercise, and the jumping jacks can be composed of 4 exercises. Each exercise can be practiced for 15 to 30 seconds and repeated for 2 to 3 sets.

The correct jumping rope position is to jump off the ball of the foot, the knee is slightly bent, the feet are combined when falling, the ball of the foot is on the ground, the height of the jump is recommended not to exceed 5 cm, so as not to damage the joint.

The length and speed of skipping exercise should also be determined according to their own circumstances, and it is recommended to step by step and combine work and rest.

At the beginning of jumping rope exercise, it is recommended to carry out at a moderate speed (70 to 80 times per minute), adhere to 10 to 20 minutes a day, can use 1 minute of jumping rope, warm up/relax 1 minute of exercise combination, so 5 to 10 cycles, adhere to 3 to 5 days a week, you can achieve the exercise effect.

Stretching should be full after skipping exercise to fully stretch massage, so as to avoid local muscles tight, sore. Stretching parts mainly include thigh muscle group, calf muscle group, shoulder muscle group and palm part, each part needs to stretch 15 to 30 seconds, can be repeated 2 to 3 times.

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