Tofu can regulate qi, moisten dryness and stimulate appetite

According to legend, Emperor Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang was poor in his youth and lived by begging. Once because of hunger fainted on the road, by the good people a bowl of "jade white jade soup" saved. After a bowl of soup, Zhu Yuanzhang's spirit was greatly stimulated and instantly restored its vitality.

This "jade and white jade soup" later gained fame, but the raw material was not so precious supplement ingredients. At that time, the famines in Fengyang were nothing but a few pinches of spinach and tofu soup. The story is the story, but the seemingly ordinary homely tofu can really replenish the vitality of the baby. With good symptoms for the baby to eat, stronger than meat!

Tofu can regulate qi and moisten dryness

Tofu taste sweet and cool, spleen, stomach, large intestine meridian, has the effect of nourishing and moistening dry, wide in the qi.

Nowadays, tofu is mostly made from soybeans. Soybean is flat, but the production often uses gypsum tofu, resulting in tofu is actually slightly cold. We often say that the baby with spleen and stomach deficiency is not suitable for eating cold food, but the cold of tofu also carries the effect of raw soybeans itself to regulate qi and moisten the spleen dryness, so the baby with spleen deficiency can also eat tofu.

In the long summer season, the weather is relatively hot, frequent rainfall leads to an increase in air humidity, moisture and heat accumulation, and the baby's sweat cannot be diffused smoothly, so it is easy to get sick.

Tofu can just cool and replenish moistening dryness, tonifying middle and invigorating qi, cooling and relieving summer heat. Especially when the baby's spleen and stomach are weak in summer and he does not want to eat, a bowl of delicious tofu soup contains the most original atmosphere of beans, which can open the qi stagnation of middle coke and make the baby's appetite open.

Older children, in good digestion, no pain, can also appropriately taste mapo tofu. The spicy and stimulating seasoning can just neutralize the slight coolness of tofu and play an appetizing role. One day accidentally eat too much, but not to the extent of food, the baby's stomach feels a little bloated, want to fart can not be released, the next day will let the baby eat less, to a bowl of tofu vegetable soup, can be large intestine turbid gas, flatulence.

What is said above is actually the role of tofu to harmonize Qi. In the treatment of qi inversion, tofu can even be comparable to patchouli Zhengqi.

Baby out of motion sickness, acclimation, "Food Materia Medica" records can be used to eat tofu conditioning: "ordinary people first to the place, acclimation, first eat tofu, then gradually adjusted." Autumn dry evil, the baby is easy to appear dry skin, nasal throat dry itching, dry mouth, dry cough clear throat and other symptoms, tofu at this time can also moisture-dry heat.

However, food is not more than traditional Chinese medicine, its effect is "moistening things silently", more suitable for daily food therapy health care conditioning. If the baby is sick and the symptoms are obvious, it is still necessary to treat with drug differentiation.

There are three points to pay attention to when eating tofu for your baby

Give your baby tofu, these few things need to pay attention to:

① Don't believe rumors, tofu should be a versatile food

Some old people firmly believe that "food is incompatible", I think it may be necessary to make a rumor here: tofu and spring Onions, spinach, bamboo shoots, water stems, persimmon eat together, will not form stones; Tofu and mutton, crucian carp with eating, will not be hot on fire, edema. Tofu is a nutritious and versatile food that does not exist in comparison with any other food.

Usually determine whether the baby is suitable for eating a certain food, mainly look at 3 points is enough: whether the food is too hot or too cold after matching; Whether your baby's physical fitness is suitable; Whether your baby is allergic to certain ingredients.

② Southern tofu and Northern tofu are the same

Southern tofu is commonly known as water tofu, and northern tofu is commonly known as old tofu. Many parents are always hesitant to choose tofu.

In terms of nutritional value, the nutritional value of north tofu is slightly higher than that of south tofu. However, tofu is a high-protein food, the difference between north and south tofu is not big, and it is not too tangled for the baby to eat. Even old tofu is also better digested, as long as the appropriate amount of consumption, it will not cause food accumulation.

③ Some babies are not suitable

Tofu is rich in protein, if you eat too much at one time, it will hinder the body's absorption of iron, for the baby with iron deficiency anemia, it may aggravate the condition. In addition, the intake of too much plant protein, the body generated nitrogen waste will increase, will increase the burden on the kidney, so the baby with kidney disease is not suitable for eating tofu.

Moderate consumption of tofu can eliminate fullness, but eating more will lead to flatulence. Even a healthy baby should not eat tofu every meal and every day. Have diarrhea, cold, cold syndrome of the baby to temporarily avoid food.

It should also be reminded that do not feed the whole tofu to the baby under the age of 1, which is easy to choke and stick to the throat. Even children under the age of 3 should eat tofu cut into small pieces or crushed.

Overall, tofu soup is more controlled than tofu stew. You can use tofu with warm, flat fish soup, such as crucian carp, loach and so on. Fry the fish before boiling the soup to better neutralize the cold flavor of the tofu.

4 home-made tofu dishes to help the baby eliminate accumulation, remove dampness, grow tall

There are too many methods of tofu, as long as it is not cooked with too cold food, basically suitable for babies to eat.

Here we recommend 4 common tofu daily diet prescription, can be used to regulate the baby's slight indigestion, moisture, moderate consumption can also enhance immunity, replenish the middle qi, promote high:

White jade Xiaoji decoction

Ingredients: 1 piece of tofu, half a white radish, 3 pieces of Chinese cabbage, 2 pieces of ginger.

Method: Cut tofu, white radish, ginger slices, add about 3 bowls of water, bring to a boil, turn to medium heat and cook for 3 minutes, add chopped cabbage, cook for 1 minute, then season and serve.

Efficacy: appetizing and eliminating accumulation, clearing heat and relieving summer heat.

Age: Infants over 3 years old can be taken against the evidence, a small amount of multiple doses. Broad bean disease baby can take.

Poria bean curd removing dampness soup

Ingredients: 1 piece tofu, 10g poria powder, half a carrot, 6 mushrooms.

Method: Mix tofu and poria powder evenly, season with salt and cooking wine, cut carrots and mushrooms into shreds, fry until semi-cooked, tofu into the pot, add half a bowl of water, simmer and cook, seasoning can be.

Efficacy: invigorating spleen and dampening, appetizing and soothing.

Age: For babies over 2 years old. Broad bean disease baby can take.

Crucian carp and tofu soup

Ingredients: 1/2 crucian carp, 1/2 tofu, ginger.

Method: Wash the crucian carp, salt marinate, fry until golden on both sides, add water to the fish, add ginger slices, bring to a boil and cook for 30 minutes, add sliced tofu after the soup turns white, simmer for 6 minutes, season.

Efficacy: warming and tonifying qi, invigorating spleen and removing dampness, tonifying deficiency and promoting. It is suitable for the symptoms of itchy skin, wet sores, big breath, loose stool, poor appetite and so on.

Age: Over 2 years old baby digest well, no pain can be taken. Broad bean disease baby can take.

Note: Remove the bone from the residue.

Mushrooms, bamboo shoots, tofu

Ingredients: 1 piece tofu, 50g bamboo shoots, 50g mushrooms, a little green onion.

Methods: Cut tofu into pieces, wash bamboo shoots and mushrooms, dice, blanch and drain; Stir in ingredients, add half a bowl of water, salt, light soy sauce, stir well, add water starch, thicken, turn off the heat and sprinkle onion.

Efficacy: tonic and appetizing.

Age: Babies over 3 years old have good digestion and can be taken without pain. Broad bean disease baby can take.

In fact, the way tofu is eaten can give us a lot of inspiration. Many parents worry that tofu is cold, is it not suitable for the baby to eat when it turns cold in autumn?

We know that it is not just to give the baby to eat sex flat food can be everything. Truly understand the sexual taste and efficacy of food, learn to cleverly match, in order to maximize the benefits of each food, this kind of feeding is the best for the baby.

More fall season foods for your baby, and parents can learn now!

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