The famous Hollywood actor trainer reveals the 'big secret' of how stars become famous

Reference news network reported on April 10 that foreign media said that Argentine Bernard Shearer is a famous Hollywood actor trainer. He talked to the media about the stories behind the rise of some of Hollywood's most famous stars, such as how Leonardo dicaprio won an Oscar,

According to the Economic News Network of Buenos Aires, Argentina, on April 6,

Shearer, 56, has been in show business for 40 years, but his greatest achievement is not to create a successful film image, but to help Hollywood stars more fully portray their roles on the big screen. Hollywood stars who have accepted his direction include Cameron Diaz, Jeff Goldblum, LL Cool J, Emilio Rivera and Madalina Guenea.

The report said that Shearer has now opened a master class in London to train actors, attracting a large number of students to come to study. Speaking to the media here, he said it was often the actor's personal problems that blocked his or her career. He believes that professional help is essential before entering the set.

For example, Hollywood superstar Leonardo dicaprio was on the verge of collapse after failing to take home his third Oscar nomination when he turned to his trainer for help, Shearer said.

Sometimes Shearer accompanies actors to the set, because some actors only need to improve their performance in a particular film. When the actors don't feel confident, Shearer becomes a mirror of their performance. Actors can use his advice to improve their acting skills.

Hiller believes dicaprio is a quality star that many actors can learn from. After missing out on three statuettes, dicaprio finally won the best Actor Oscar in 2016 for his performance in The Revenant.

Shearer was unsparing in his praise for dicaprio, describing him as a brilliant actor who worked hard on his craft. "Dicaprio uses three trainers for each film," he said.

Shearer said that even Hollywood veteran Al Pacino and Hollywood star Matthew McConaughey, who is known for his incredible acting skills, have hired trainers. He credits McConaughey's 2013 Oscar win for "Dallas Buyers Club" with the help of the trainers behind him.

Shearer also noted that many stars don't have easy paths to stardom, but the best of them can use the backlash of vitriol to open up new avenues for their acting careers.

He mentioned Lady Gaga, the famous singer who just won the Oscar for Best original Song.

Shearer said he had spoken to Lady Gaga, who was outspoken about being "bombarded" all day long. However, Shearer said that almost all actors receive criticism, but only those who can withstand the vicious attacks will eventually emerge from the cocoon and become international stars.

Shearer also said that the relentless pursuit of the actor's dream is also a factor in the success of the star. For example, he said that the famous British actor Pei Chunhua has personally told him that she once applied for three acting schools in London, but was rejected. Ordinary people might withdraw from difficulties, but successful people like Pei will not back down, but become more motivated in the difficult situation, and finally achieve success.

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