Want to fight China, but China is too invincible? Us Defense Department hints at Pentagon: No nonsense, money

Not long ago, US Deputy Secretary of Defense Catherine Hicks claimed that due to the frequent use of short-term appropriations bills by Congress, the funding expenditure of the US Department of Defense was cut and it was unable to develop modernization reforms. "We lost about four years, and that's a cost that can't be bought back, because you can't buy time." Hicks said in an interview that over the years, the United States has made a lot of efforts to keep up with China militarily, but because of spending cuts, the affected areas include the U.S. shipbuilding industry and the maintenance of the "nuclear triad." This would reduce the U.S. military's strategic deterrence capability against China.

As we all know, the United States has always been eager to contain and suppress China by various means, especially with the increasingly rapid development of China in the military field, the United States attempts to prevent the rise of China this psychology is more intense. At the end of the day, the US wants to preserve its supremacy. But the serious hollowing out of the United States' own industrial industry, to compete with China, is actually more difficult, it can be said that the country wants to restore the industrial strength of the peak is difficult to ascend. In the case of warships, the U.S. Navy's two Burke III destroyers per year is the limit of what American shipyards can achieve. In contrast, last year alone the Chinese Navy launched an aircraft carrier, five 054A frigates and a number of auxiliary vessels, totaling up to 110,000 tons. Although the United States is the world's largest power and has strong strength, it can only barely build two Burke 3 destroyers a year in the United States. In this respect alone, what if the United States is the world's largest power? Not as bad as China. Isn't the United States in a hurry? Not nervous?

I think it is because of anxiety and nervousness that the US Department of Defense will hype up the "China threat theory". In fact, in my opinion, the US Department of Defense is releasing a signal to the Pentagon: no nonsense, money! To compete with China by increasing military spending. But again, can the US really compete with China? Today's China is not only the world's largest industrial country, but also has the world's largest shipbuilding enterprises and industrial chain. How valuable is the industrial chain? You can't just throw money at it.

In fact, this is not the first time that Americans have hyped up the so-called "China threat theory" to try to ask Congress for money. In the past, whenever there was a lack of money and insufficient funds, the Americans would take China out of speculation alone, and the purpose was to obtain more funds by hyping up the "China threat theory". After all, there is no need to hide the hostility of the United States to China, and the countries of the world are very clear that the United States is trying all means to deal with China, so as to maintain its international status and influence. But then again, China is not a vegetarian, in the face of such blatant hype attacks, China also has a temper. As the Chinese defense minister said before, when friends come, there is good wine, and if the jackal comes, then it will be greeted by a shotgun. To this end, China needs to build a strong military and accelerate the development of the military, ready to respond to provocateurs, defend its own security, and maintain world peace.

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