The US moon landing was a fake? Look at the pictures of the moon landing, you will know!

As is known to all, the exploration of the moon, the mysterious planet, began long ago.

And, with the continuous progress of human science and technology, this exploration is moving forward step by step.

The first country to uncover the mystery of the moon was the United States.
In 1969, astronauts from the United States set foot on the moon.

This journey is undoubtedly a great step forward in human exploration of the unknown world, in order to commemorate this great journey, the astronauts left an American flag on the moon.

In recent years, however, there have been doubts about the journey - that the American moon landing was a fake.

Who is true? Opinions differ on what is right and what is wrong.

There is a word for this "journey to the moon" - a conspiracy theory.

This means that the United States this series of moon program is an illusion, in fact, in that year, no one landed on the moon, all this is just the United States from the rumor.

So do Americans believe it themselves? Of course, most people believe it, but the number of people who believe it is slowly decreasing.

A 1999 survey compared the data to the "Mythbusters" survey and found that the data was very different.

One is that only 6 percent of people don't believe in it, and the other is that 20 percent don't believe in it.


So was the moon landing fake or real?

The first is the flag that was planted.

In that year's live broadcast, we can clearly see that this flag, which symbolizes the glory of the United States, is unfurled in the dark space, and that flag, it seems to be gently fluttering.
This is a big puzzle.

Why can this flag fly in a space where there is no wind?

To this, the explanation is that it is because it has already been rolled out.


The second picture is of the astronauts after landing, but, looking at the picture closely, we can see again, after zooming in on the astronauts' helmets.

From the blurry picture, what looked like a rope was visible. Why is that?

Some speculated that it was the kind of spotlight often used in movies and TV shows.

However, whether it is true or not has never been explained.

If we go to the moon, we can see the stars more clearly from there than we can from the Earth.

However, there are no stars in any of the images or related video data.

This is also the most convincing explanation for the "A conspiracy theory".

Well, now you know if it's a rumor or not.

And these few details, also for us to solve the puzzle.

Of course, we don't talk about politics here, just plain decryption. Which is right and which is wrong, you need to judge for yourself!

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