Eight benefits of physical exercise for teenagers

It is often said that physical exercise is essential to one's physical health. So, for young children, what are the benefits of physical exercise? Today, we bring you the benefits of youth physical exercise.

  1. Skeletal muscle development, height growth

The growth of height, weight and chest circumference of adolescents who often participate in physical exercise is generally higher than that of adolescents who do less exercise. Regular physical exercise can promote adolescent bone growth, increase bone density, and enhance the ability of bones to withstand external forces.

Healthy adolescents have more muscle attached to their bones and greater strength as adults. Those who do not exercise have thin bones, low bone density, and thin bones cannot attach enough muscle, so they are less powerful in adulthood.

As a result, teens who don't exercise have lower bone density, a greater risk of fracture, and a higher risk of developing osteoporosis as adults.

The normal development of bones cannot be separated from exercise, and the normal development of joints depends on the stimulation of joint capsules, cartilage and ligaments by exercise. The poor development of joint capsule and easy dislocation of joint capsule in individuals with insufficient exercise; Ligaments are not strong and easily broken. Therefore, scientific bone exercise is very important for individual bone and muscle development.

  1. Enhanced cardiopulmonary function

Cardiopulmonary function is mainly composed of the combination of the cardiovascular system and the respiratory system, and its importance to the human body is self-evident. As the most important physical function index, the strength of individual cardiopulmonary function has always been paid attention to by health practitioners.

Physical exercise makes the heart muscle pump blood more powerful, the blood vessel elasticity is better, the blood supply ability to the whole body is stronger, so that the whole body tissues and organs can obtain sufficient oxygen and nutrients, timely elimination of waste, so that the entire internal environment is more healthy and clean.

Reasonable physical exercise is the only way to maintain a strong and powerful cardiovascular function. Regular physical exercise can improve the pumping function and tolerance of the heart, ensure the strength and elasticity of the blood vessels, and thus significantly reduce the risk of high-risk diseases such as heart disease and arteriosclerosis.

Physical exercise is also conducive to the growth and development of lung tissue, so as to increase the lung capacity, improve the maximum oxygen uptake of the human body, so that the blood can combine more oxygen, to ensure the oxygen supply of the body organs, especially the brain, so that the individual in the exercise and work, learning to show higher efficiency and stronger tolerance, its strength is an important embodiment of a person's work activity ability.

  1. Development of cerebral nerve function

Adolescence is the most rapid period of neural development of the human brain.

When you're born, your brain has enormous learning potential, but it diminishes as you age.

Only abilities that are frequently used in adolescence are enhanced and retained in adulthood; Abilities that are not developed in adolescence may take several times as much effort to reacquire as adults.

The teenage years are a time when the brain develops various movement patterns.

Just like swimming, cycling and the like, the brain forms a movement pattern, and when it performs a similar exercise again, it will automatically assign the body to complete the task like a program - which is also the basic condition for an individual to perform efficient and fast multitasking.

People who do not have a large amount of movement mode reserve in their adolescence, when they encounter new and different activities, they need the brain to temporarily command all the muscle groups, joints and limbs involved, and the efficiency is inevitably much lower, and the lack of coordination requires a longer time to complete the task of learning, and it is difficult to complete the goal of "automatic distribution".

The more various movement patterns are formed in the brain, the easier it will be to engage in other physical activities in the future.

Some basic movement patterns, such as running, jumping, throwing, turning, climbing, etc., are called basic motor skills.

Almost all sports consist of a combination of basic motor skills, large and small.

Therefore, the more basic motor skills are mastered, the easier it will be to learn various sports, and the faster the response will be when carrying out sports. This situation is called transfer in sports training.

  1. Improved brain function

In addition to increasing the movement pattern of the body and brain that is in line with the motor nerve, physical exercise can also directly improve and adjust the working ability and working condition of the brain, so that our brain can be in the best state more often.

Physical activity makes us healthier, as well as relieving stress and reducing muscle tone, because exercise at sufficient intensity triggers the release of neuro-soothing hormones such as endorphins in the brain.

Physical activity also increases the brain's production of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine, which are important neurotransmitters for thinking and positive emotions; Proteins such as IGF-1 produced during muscle movement are transported to the brain through the blood and play a key role in the physiological mechanism of brain thinking.

The brain, like a muscle, gets stronger with exercise: every neuron (also known as a nerve cell) in the brain touches each other through "blades" on tree-like branches.

The more contact points, the more powerful the brain, just as muscle size increases by increasing the number of muscle fibers.

And physical exercise can promote the growth of these branches to send out more collateral, increase contact points, and thus intuitively enhance brain function.

Secondly, the improvement of the main function of the brain - sensory integration, that is, the ability to effectively integrate and process sensory and perceptual information from various parts of the body - must also depend on physical exercise.

The human body has a variety of sensory organs, such as touch, hearing, vision, balance sense, joint proprioception and so on. As this information comes in, the brain has to sift through it and process it: What is important?

What information can be filtered out? Adjust your sensitivity to primary and secondary information. Children with insufficient sensory integration ability, the brain will be difficult to distinguish the primary and secondary information, can not accept the sensitivity of adjustment, and finally grasp the beard and eyebrows, not the main point, intuitive performance is confused thinking, attention is difficult to concentrate, easy to be attracted by the stimulus in the surrounding environment, but it can not last, and even the body movement is not coordinated.

The survey shows that the incidence of sensory integration disorder in urban children is more than 30%, which seriously affects the learning efficiency of these children.

By exercising the muscles and neurons of the body, physical exercise can effectively improve the sensitivity and differentiation of the brain to the information conveyed by various parts of the body, adjust the overall coordination of the individual, and has been proved in a number of studies to have a positive impact on children's concentration. Therefore, physical exercise is considered to be one of the important ways to improve sensory integration and prevent disorders.

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