As long as you have the right intelligence, a strong passion, and the time to research, you can achieve anything.

Nothing in the world is difficult, especially in an industry where the water is deep but the technology is not deep.

Why me and not some chemist? That's what a lot of people ask me.

In my research process, TongYuFeng department of tsinghua university graduates in the 90 s, the department of sun yat-sen university students with excellent grades brother xiao days, in the past few years, every time every time, all the trouble to help me, for my answer the most basic chemical knowledge, help me to find a domestic materials, their professional level of tens of thousands of times higher than me, but this thing is I finally make it, No other reason, just because: I'm not too stupid, I do it, I dare to innovate.

This thing is a little similar to painting, as long as you master the basic skills, the rest of the talent. I once told a friend that if I had to compare a painter to the quality of a four-year-old skin care product, I would say I was Van Gogh.

There are also many friends who hope that I can find a foreign institution to "endorse" the four-year-old, which is better for the development of the brand. I appreciate the advice, but I don't like it.

Skin care is not a difficult thing, it is related to professionalism, but when you master the skill, the rest is all ethics and talent. In terms of product ethics, I feel that four years old does not lose to any person or brand in the world, and seeks defeat alone.

In terms of talent, I really have a little sensitivity to the selection and matching of skin care ingredients, just like you can hardly find a natural lipstick that is safer and better than a four-year-old lipstick.

There are thousands of well-known raw material manufacturers in the world, countless skin care brands, and the four-year-old formula is not the same as any brand (a few ingredients overlap is normal).

Because I personally sought out and tested each ingredient, its current skin feel, stability and efficacy are all combined with extracts from natural plants that have been repeatedly proven to be safe.

Although four belongs to the skincare category, although each brand is advertising how different it is. But we're... we're really a little different.

So I'm sorry for those who want to invest in me but think I'm not "professional enough" on my own, I won't look for any so-called expert endorsement, I am who I am, four years old is four years old, if there must be any proof, time will tell. My products and users are the best endorsement.

The girl who hopes to see this article, do not blindly believe in virtual skin sense, to study the nature of skin care products, to use truly safe and effective products, the economic downturn, do not waste money casually. The skin begins to improve, starting with learning to look at the score chart.

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