This funky video

Trendy accessories, such as bags with MICHAEL KORS 'signature prints, also play a "key role" in advancing the plot.

Bond girl Bella put on sunglasses for herself to block the sun and let her opponents down. Or pull out binoculars from a large Tote bag, which can hold everything from vacation belongings to secret agent "weapons."

Cindy Bruna, a sassy agent, makes her sense of what's going on inside the house by looking at the luggage that sits outside her door.

And the Slater backpack on her body, the simple body and shoulders design, very suitable for the female agent's crisp posture.

The bag is decorated with the exclusive 007 black and gold signature print, and coupled with metal Logo, chain and other details, but it looks a lot of luxury.

This backpack, used as a daily bag or travel bag, is also convenient and practical.

MICHAEL KORS named this secret agent game "MK movement", when the familiar 007 music sounded, "Bond girl" in place -

The "secret agent" Chen Bige, who arrived later, looked very relaxed in his MMK x 007 capsule series printed T-shirt, white trousers and black and gold presold Kippy slippers.

Fashion blogger Mia Kong this suit is also very cool, directly the joint swimsuit as a body suit, with jeans and functional ankle boots to put up a cool SA dress, after landing can directly attend night activities.

Mia Kong's dazzling swimming pool is the destination of the "MK move" - inspired by the poker scene in the 007 movie Casino Royale.

Specially created MMK x 007 buoy swimming pool, bar, hidden mystery of the "Bond world dispatching Center", with unpredictable light and shadow effects, especially in the night can feel the mysterious suspense atmosphere of Bond movies.

The MMK x 007 joint series area set up on site is also one of the highlights of the event.

The black-and-gold swimsuits adorned with the brand's logo print, functional bags, and travel cases seem to echo Bella Hadid and Cindy Bruna's secret service short film "Space Apart", which is filled with vacation and suspense.

Wang Fei, the first to arrive, has put on a MK print suit and boots, carrying a Double-O-SoHo chain bag, and freely toured the dispatch center and pool garden.

Chen Bige changed into an elegant MICHAEL KORS Black glitzy dress to join the Black Tie Gala as a Bond girl.

The next day's water adventure is the real challenge for this group of fashion agents.

They are equipped with MICHAEL KORS exclusive custom MMK x 007 water sports facilities, including motor boats, tailwave paddling, parasail sports, etc., truly "sky to sea".

But no matter how the scene changes, this group of stylish agents are at ease with the situation, always showing confidence, charm posture, enjoy the pleasure of extreme pleasure.

Of this significant joint name, Michael Kors said, "It is also the core of our brand DNA."

MICHAEL KORS has been for different work, life scenes in the "bond girls", to provide luxury bright eyes and relaxed vitality of the single product, the first time with the Bond series of movies is a very cool attempt.

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