Embracing sustainable fashion living, this association innovates across boundaries

"Fur Zero waste, design add beautiful - International Fur Association Experiential Conference" was held in Shanghai recently, experts and scholars from Shanghai Garment Industry Association and well-known garment textile field universities, on fur and environmental protection topics, to share and exchange.

Fur clothing has always left the impression that ordinary people are expensive and luxurious, in the face of the wave of support for animal welfare and environmental protection set off by the fashion industry, in September 2021, the International Fur Association (IFF) officially launched the natural fur sustainable certification mark, trying to improve consumers' trust in natural fur. Create fur "from nature, return to nature" environmental protection and sustainable regeneration properties.

Wang Jing, CEO of the International Fur Association China, said that through the continuous efforts of designers, fur scraps and waste have become a piece of art, so that natural fur, a clothing raw material, has achieved cross-border interpretation of the environmental protection concept of "making the best use of everything".

At the press conference, the International Fur Association awarded contemporary art creator Xerox the "Quality Partner of Natural Fur Global Sustainable Development 2023" award, in order to recognize artists who have contributed to the global sustainable development of natural fur.

The International Fur Association is also teaching more artists the skills and techniques of fur making, and strive to transform the scraps produced by the factory into various accessories, such as hats, scarves, necklaces, earrings and so on.

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