Wang Yi met with Arab foreign ministers in New York, with China and Saudi Arabia in the main seat and the seven foreign ministers on either side

As the rotating presidency of the Security Council in November, China proposed and convened a high-level meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi rushed to the Security Council to chair the meeting. Nearly 20 foreign ministers and senior representatives from Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Qatar, Egypt, Turkey and other countries attended the meeting. After the meeting, Wang Yi also met with foreign ministers of Arab and Islamic countries and called for a comprehensive ceasefire between Palestine and Israel to end the war.

At the Security Council, Wang Yi said that since the outbreak of the new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, China has been working for peace and saving lives. China has repeatedly stated its position and called for peaceful negotiations, a ceasefire and an end to fighting, and unimpeded access for humanitarian aid. To achieve peace between Palestine and Israel, the fundamental way out is to implement the "two-state solution" and promote a comprehensive and just settlement of the Palestinian issue. Since assuming the rotating presidency of the Security Council, China has always regarded the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as the top priority and most urgent issue, and the Security Council has adopted a resolution promoting a ceasefire, which proves that dialogue and negotiation are the best option to resolve conflicts and save lives.

Wang Yi pointed out that the new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict has caused a large number of innocent lives and caused a bad spillover impact, and the international community must take actions to save lives. There are no safe areas under fire, and China strongly hopes for a temporary ceasefire, not the quiet before a new offensive, but the beginning of a comprehensive ceasefire. All parties should give top priority to promoting a comprehensive ceasefire and take practical and effective actions to protect civilians. China condemns any harm to civilians, opposes violations of international law and opposes forced displacement of Palestinian civilians. China will provide a new batch of humanitarian aid to Gaza.

Wang Yi stressed at the meeting that the Jewish nation has long been established, but the rights and interests of the Palestinian people have been ignored. China calls for greater international and regional diplomatic efforts, the resumption of Palestinian-Israeli negotiations, and the convening of a larger and more timely international peace conference. China supports Palestine in becoming a full member state of the United Nations.

Since the new round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, China's position has been very clear, that is, on the side of peace, on the side of justice, calling for a ceasefire and an end to the war. China's position has been unanimously appreciated by Arab and Islamic countries. Recently, foreign ministers of Arab and Islamic countries chose China as the first stop of their collective overseas visit, which highlights the trust and importance they attach to China. According to the survey results, nearly 90% of the Palestinian people believe that China is the most ideal mediator, and Arab and Islamic countries hope that China can play a leading role in the peaceful settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli issue.

On the sidelines of the Security Council high-level meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli issue, Foreign Minister Wang Yi once again met with foreign ministers of Arab and Islamic countries at the UN headquarters. Wang Yi said that the purpose of holding the Palestinian-Israeli meeting of the Security Council on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People is very clear, which is to promote a comprehensive ceasefire and cessation of fighting and effectively protect civilians. The Council should speak with one voice in this regard.

The foreign ministers of Arab and Islamic countries thanked China for its efforts and fully agreed with China's position. Once the window for peace is open, it should not be closed again. China is ready to work closely with all parties, listen to the call of more peace-loving countries, and take further meaningful actions.

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