It's a stomach bug

People eat whole grains, how can there be no stomach disease? Or satiety or hunger, or cold or heat, all variable stomach disease; Or angry, or depressed mood, can affect digestion.

In particular, the spring liver wood rise, liver qi, the most easy to offend the spleen and stomach, all diseases from the liver treatment, in this season to talk about this more important practical significance, for the patient friend more need to pay attention to early.

The manifestations of stomach disease are varied and varied, from the symptoms of pain, or distension, or acid, or hiccups, or vomiting, or warm or cold, or like to press or refuse to press, and so on; There are acid-related diseases, or peptic ulcers, dyspepsia, functional dyspepsia, and so on.

Stomach Pain: Some people have stomachache after eating, some people have stomachache at night or on an empty stomach, some people have stomachache with acid reflux and heartburn, some people have stomachache and vomiting bile because they often do not eat breakfast according to the rules, some people have stomachache and cramps after craving cold, some people have stomachache and fetid after overeating, some people have stomachache and sticky stool, some people have stomachache and unbearable after emotional agitation. The body is thin and the mouth is dry and the stomach ache is lingering.

From the disease analysis, there are peptic ulcer, or gastric ulcer, or duodenal ulcer, chronic superficial gastritis with bile reflux.

From the dialectical analysis, there are deficiency cold stomachache, accumulation and stagnation stomachache, damp-heat stomachache, liver-depression stomachache, and Yin injury stomachache. The treatment can either suppress acid to produce acid, warm the stomach and strengthen the spleen, relieve accumulation and dissipate conduction, clear dampness and heat, ease liver-depression, or nourish Yin. For the specific conditions of stomachache, precise treatment has reliable curative effect.

Abdominal distension: Some people show the swelling of the sword process, some people show the swelling of the flank, some people show the belly button swelling, some people show the small abdominal distension, some people do not go down after a meal, some people sigh after anger, some people do not change, some people show the abdominal distension before stool, ease after stool.

From the etiological analysis or because of insufficient stomach power, or because of liver qi stagnation, or because of weakened intestinal peristalsis, or because of lower jiao cold, or because of spleen health, or because of the spleen soil.

Treatment can be xin open bitter to reduce stomach motility, but also can ease the liver depression to regulate mood, or can Tongfu drainage turbidities promote peristalsis, or can warm the lower jiao, or spleen to help transport, in addition to swelling awake the spleen.

Spring liver wood rise, liver qi inverse, the most prone to abdominal distension, need to adjust the gastrointestinal motivity on the basis of taking into account the adjustment of emotions, with individual differences or warm or clear can achieve better results.

Stomach acid: Some people are noisy stomach acid, some people are heartburn chest, some people are itching foreign body sensation, some people are hoarse, some people are coughing after meals, some people are unbearable chest pain, some people are mucosal erosion.

In terms of disease, there are peptic ulcers, gastroesophageal reflux disease, and strong helicobacter pylori positive. From the etiology, there are due to liver fire attacking the stomach, muke spleen soil, due to gastrointestinal stagnation, fetid and acid swallowing, due to spleen and stomach deficiency, mucosal defect; In treatment, acid can be suppressed to make acid, or clear the liver and expel fire, or eliminate accumulation and guide stagnation, or strengthen the spleen and warm, can be combined with traditional Chinese medicine to repair the mucosa, and for young people to eat early or elderly patients with pyloric mouth closure is often accompanied by bile reflux, need to combine the difference in acid and base, reasonable selection of different drugs, to be more targeted.

Hiccups: Hiccups are also a common clinical occurrence. Some are due to stomach deficiency cold, or because of liver fire, some are due to food stagnation, some are due to qi stagnation, some are due to the deficiency of qi in the middle, some are due to Yin qi exhaustion.

For critically ill patients with hiccups, most of them belong to the crisis of vital exhaustion. For repeated or what is worse, you can use Chinese medicine conditioning, stomach deficiency has hot hiccup, you can use orange peel bamboo Ru soup; Stomach deficiency cold hiccup, you can use clove shizi decoction.

Vomiting: Some people are vomiting after eating, some people are vomiting after eating, some people are vomiting after eating, some people are not transformed, some people are spitting saliva, some people are spitting dilute water, some people are spitting sour water, some people are spitting bitter water.

From the etiology or due to external evil dry stomach, such as summer dampness or occasional wind cold, or because of injury to food, fetid swallowing acid, every vomit as fast, or because of stomach cold, or because of stomach heat, or because of stomach Yin deficiency, or because of liver and stomach discord.

From the disease, some people are vomiting because of intestinal obstruction, some people are vomiting because of early pregnancy reaction, some people are vomiting because of diabetic gastroparesis, some people are vomiting because of uremia metabolic abnormalities, especially the need to make a clear diagnosis and categorical treatment of the way is not wrong, such as vomiting blood must need timely medical rescue.

The core pathogenesis of stomach disease is mostly caused by the weak function of the spleen and stomach. For example, children are sick because the spleen and stomach are developing, and snacks are constantly leading to accumulation of food and stagnation, malnutrition and non-digestion, recurrent colds and malabsorption and emaciation. For example, the elderly often because of old age, more basic diseases, oral Western medicine, spleen and stomach transport function weakened, mucosal damage, reduced glands, gastric mucosa and even atrophy, digestion and absorption function is significantly weakened, over time there will be insufficient Qi and blood, Yin and jin deficiency, chemical and passive, easy to accompany the deficiency of Yang, complex diseases, should be paid attention to as soon as possible. Therefore, many famous people treat senile diseases from the spleen and stomach.

The aggravating factors of stomach disease are more emotional, or work pressure, or introverted, or accelerated rhythm, or irritable temper, or thinking of labor, so there are "gas stomach pain", "tea and food" and so on, behind the emotional factors.

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