Infants long-term anemia damage intelligence parents must pay attention to

Anemia is one of the highest incidence of nutritional deficiency diseases in the world, and infants and young children are the most common population. Long-term anemia can affect children's heart function and intellectual development, parents should pay attention to. So do you know why babies are prone to anemia symptoms?

Five major causes of anemia in children

  1. Physiological anemia

Since the baby is in a relatively hypoxic state in the fetal period, erythropoietin synthesis increases, and the red blood cell count and hemoglobin content are relatively high at this time, and the hemoglobin content can be as high as 150-220g/L. After birth, with the establishment of the baby's spontaneous respiration, the blood oxygen content increases, the erythropoietin decreases, and the red blood cell count and hemoglobin amount gradually decreases. When the baby grows to 2-3 months, it drops to the lowest value, about 100g/L, and mild anemia occurs. After that, the red blood cell count and hemoglobin amount will slowly increase, which is a kind of physiological anemia. It is a kind of adjustment phenomenon of the baby's environmental change, and it is not really anemia, and the baby usually has no other clinical symptoms of anemia, for this physiological anemia, you can not worry too much, and you do not need treatment.

2, iron deficiency anemia

Due to the lack of iron in the body, the insufficient production of heme and the decrease of hemoglobin synthesis, iron deficiency anemia is a kind of small cell hypochromic anemia, which can be clinically manifested as pale skin and mucous membranes, especially the mucous membranes of the mouth and nail bed, easy fatigue, inactivity, dizziness, tinnitus, liver and spleen enlargement, appetite loss, mental inconcentration, abnormal heart rate, etc. Serious cases can even affect heart function, and children with iron deficiency anemia can receive good results after iron treatment.

  1. Nutritional megaloblastic anemia

Nutritional megaloblastic anemia is mainly due to the lack of vitamin B12 or (and) folic acid in the body. It is a kind of megaloblastic anemia, which is mostly seen between six months and two years old. Clinically, it is mainly manifested as puffiness or mild edema of the face, thin and sparse hair, yellow color, anemia appearance, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, glossitis, etc. Vitamin B12 deficiency can also be manifested as dull expression, sluggish response, lethargy, mental and motor development backward or even retrogressive, heavy people can have irregular tremor, and folic acid deficiency can have neuropsychiatric abnormalities. Effective treatment with vitamin B12 or/and folic acid.

  1. Hemolytic anemia

Hemolytic anemia is mainly caused by internal abnormalities of red blood cells, such as structural defects of red blood cell membrane (hereditary spherocytosis, etc.), deficiency of red blood cell enzyme (G-6-PD deficiency, etc.), hemoglobin synthesis or structural abnormalities (thalassemia, etc.), or factors outside red blood cells, such as immune factors, infections, physical and chemical factors. For this kind of hemolytic anemia, it is mainly to actively prevent and cure after diagnosis.

  1. Other bleeding disorders

Other bleeding disorders, such as hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, diffuse intravascular coagulation, etc., can also cause anemia due to excessive blood loss.

Baby anemia eat these

1, animal liver: Liver is rich in a variety of nutrients, is the first choice to prevent iron deficiency anemia food.

2, all kinds of lean meat: although the iron content of lean meat is not too high, the utilization rate of iron is high.

3, Tahini: Tahini is rich in a variety of nutrients, is an excellent infant nutrition food.

4, soybean and its products: soybean iron content and absorption rate are high. The absorption rate of iron in rice and noodles is higher.

5, green leafy vegetables: Although the iron absorption rate of plant foods is not high, the baby has to eat every day, so it is an important source of iron.

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