Sprouted potatoes really can't be eaten freely

Potatoes, commonly known as "potatoes", contain a lot of starch, but also rich in protein, amino acids and a variety of vitamins, minerals, can provide heat for the human body. Potatoes are the fourth largest food crop in the world, after wheat, rice and maize. It's an important ingredient in home cooking. When consumers store and eat, they find potato sprouting or skin change, can such potatoes still be eaten?

Potatoes sprout or turn green

The solanine level multiplies several times

If potatoes are not stored properly, they will sprout or turn green, and the bud or green part of the eye contains the toxic alkaloid solanine, also known as solanine.

The content of solanin in ordinary potatoes is generally 2-10mg/100g, and the content of solanin in potatoes with germination and green skin can reach 35-40mg/100g, and the content of solanin in young buds and blastbase parts is higher.

Poisoning can occur in adults who ingest 20-40 mg of solanthin at a time.

Therefore, when processing and handling, pay special attention to whether the potato has sprouted or turned green.

Potatoes are not recommended for refrigerator storage

Put with apples or bananas to inhibit germination

Potatoes should be stored in a cool and ventilated place, away from direct sunlight. Such as high storage temperature, direct sunlight and other reasons, easy to lead to potato germination or green.

It is not recommended to store in the refrigerator, because the temperature is too low and easy to frostbite, humidity is high, poor ventilation is easy to mold and rot.

Tests have shown that potatoes placed with apples or bananas can inhibit the germination of tubers.

If the potato has fewer germinating parts and a small green area, the bud base and green parts can be dug out thoroughly, and the surrounding parts can continue to be processed and eaten; If there are more germinating parts and a large green area, it should be discarded and not processed for consumption.

When processing potatoes, it is necessary to peel, cut into pieces, slices or silk, and soak in cold water for more than half an hour, so that the remaining solanthin is fully dissolved in water, reducing potential toxin safety risks. When cooking, it should be thoroughly cooked and stewed, and an appropriate amount of vinegar can be added to promote the decomposition of solanthin.

Solanin poisoning takes a few minutes to produce a reaction

It presents as an abnormal numbness of the tongue

Solanthin poisoning, the general incubation period is short, rapid onset, most in 10 minutes to 3 hours, less than a few minutes.

The severity of poisoning is related to the amount of sprouted potatoes eaten. The disease begins with itching and burning in the mouth and throat, followed by dizziness, tinnitus, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fear of light.

Mild poisoning, 1-2 hours after self-healing, good prognosis, no sequelae; In severe cases, dehydration, convulsions, dyspnea, drop in blood pressure, loss of consciousness, coma, and general weakness and failure were caused by increased body temperature and repeated vomiting. In severe cases, due to hypoxia of tissue cells, skin mucosa cyanosis, cerebral ischemic injury, or death due to respiratory paralysis.

When eating potato dishes, if you feel abnormal numbness of the tongue, it indicates that you may have ingested more solanthin, stop eating immediately, and properly retain the remaining suspicious food for inspection.

At the same time, it is necessary to take quick self-rescue measures to stimulate the pharynx to induce vomiting, and drink warm water (light salt water or sugar water) to prevent dehydration. Patients with severe illness should be sent to the nearest hospital for necessary gastric lavage and intestinal cleansing to discharge the toxins that have not been absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract. Timely correction of patients with water loss and electrolyte disorders and other therapeutic measures.

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