Winter shoulder pain really tired

Joint pain occurs frequently in winter, especially shoulder pain. Many people think it may be cold, or caused by cervical fatigue, wear more clothes and rest.

There is a "shoulder pain" may be caused by heart disease, to seek medical attention in time, so as not to miss the best treatment opportunity.

Shoulder pain really tired?

Encounter shoulder pain, many people usually feel "is tired", especially people who often sit in front of the computer office, long hours of desk work, shoulder pain is common.

Often getting up and moving, or a simple massage, can help quickly.

Female preMI

There are many atypical symptoms

Before the onset of acute myocardial infarction, angina pectoris is often used as a prodromal symptom, and treatment is delayed if it is not detected in time. Symptoms of angina vary from person to person, most are chest tightness, chest pain, atypical can be manifested as abdominal pain, shoulder and arm pain, neck and throat pain, and even toothache.

Angina pectoris is a pain caused by chemical products stimulating internal nerves, because the location is not clear, the pain site is often diverse. Women show more atypical symptoms.

Suspect angina pectoris, check electrocardiogram is the most simple and convenient identification method, through the nature of pain, incentives, mitigating factors, accompanying symptoms, can also be roughly judged shoulder skeletal muscle pain or angina pectoris.

Generally speaking, angina pectoris attack in intense activity or emotional excitement at the time, quiet rest can be relieved, generally lasting a few minutes to ten minutes can be relieved, pain lasting more than half an hour must be timely treatment.

Musculoskeletal pain is related to local activities or local cold and other factors, and the pain is clearly located and lasts a long time.

Winter weather is cold, is the high incidence of cardiovascular diseases season, people with hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, obesity and other basic diseases should pay special attention to, regular smoking, alcohol, nervous people should also attach great importance to.

People with a family history, middle-aged and elderly patients should have regular physical examinations. In particular, pay attention to the sudden appearance of abnormal symptoms in the body, especially these atypical symptoms mentioned above, do not be careless.


These could be

The heart's "distress signal"

The following may be signs of heart disease:

  1. Indigestion.

Different from the general stomach disease, heart disease caused by stomach pain will rarely appear colic and severe pain, tenderness is not often, there is just a feeling of suffocation, fullness, sometimes accompanied by dull pain, hot burning and nausea, stool may have some relief, but the feeling of discomfort will not completely disappear.

  1. Rapid breathing.

Shortness of breath, is to feel "gas is not enough", sitting for a few minutes, breathing seems to return to normal, but when the patient walks again, wheezing begins again. This wheezing sign of heart disease is often overlooked by women and older patients with lung disease.

  1. Extreme fatigue.

After a brisk walk, there are signs of extreme fatigue, so tired that you don't even have the strength to straighten your body. Fatigue is not limited to one part of the body, but is systemic. If you feel more severe fatigue than ever before, you should go to the hospital immediately.

  1. Shoulder pain.

Different from the general shoulder pain, this pain is generally dull pain, rather than sharp pain, often radiating to the front of the arm, the inside of the little finger. Most of the symptoms are fatigue, pain relief after rest. Of course, this sign of heart disease needs to be distinguished from cervical spondylosis.

In particular, it is important to remind that these can also be the heart's "distress signals" :

  1. One side of the lower lip and ring finger numbness, paroxysmal, sometimes accompanied by sweating;

  2. Toothache, excluding the problem of the tooth itself, it is best to look at the cardiology department;

  3. Headache, especially accompanied by symptoms of chest tightness, aggravated when active, stop to rest a little better;

  4. Stomach pain, feeling like eating a lot of hot pepper like "spicy" pain, sometimes accompanied by nausea and vomiting;

  5. Back pain, chest pain from the front to the back, radiating pain, especially when accompanied by sweating.

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