Do you know the "five heights"

Many people know the "three heights", but do you know what the "five heights" are?

"Five high" or "one high", there are risks

"Five high people", that is, people suffering from high blood sugar, high blood pressure, high blood fat, high weight, hyperuricemia.

Excessive body type obesity is generally accompanied by elevated blood sugar, lipid, blood pressure and blood uric acid, which is called metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome refers to a large category of syndromes, which means that the hormone level and endocrine regulation function in the patient's body are in a state of disorder, so the "five high" often occur at the same time or successively in the same person.

However, these metabolic abnormalities, whether alone or in combination, will cause damage to the brain, heart, kidney and other target organs, increase the risk of stroke, coronary heart disease, renal insufficiency and other diseases, and even threaten life.

Through the intervention of diet, exercise, drugs and other ways, the weight of overweight or obese patients can be significantly reduced on the original basis, so as to solve the various diseases caused by obesity.

Some patients with high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes can even achieve the effect of maintaining blood sugar and blood pressure within the normal range by losing weight with less medication and no medication.

Beware of "son preference" hyperuricemia

During the physical examination, many people face the arrow of excessive uric acid and fall into panic. Some people do not have high blood pressure, high blood lipids, etc., but have developed hyperuricemia.

Gout, caused by high uric acid, is "ten times worse than a toothache." I don't know if you noticed, but it's mostly men who suffer from gout.

Surveys show that 95% of gout affects men, so why?

"Beer crawfish, gout sent home", men like to drink, like to eat food rich in purines, proteins, and women's body estrogen has the role of promoting the excretion of uric acid in the kidneys and inhibit the onset of arthritis.

Experts point out that gout is only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to hyperuricemia.

Studies have shown that hyperuricemia is closely related to cardiovascular diseases and chronic kidney disease, and is an independent risk factor for these diseases.

To prevent hyperuricemia, we must first control the factors of obesity, keep the mouth shut, step on the legs, and actively control weight is particularly important.

Patients with hyperuricemia are often combined with overweight, obesity, and metabolic syndrome.

Avoid foods high in purines and stay away from alcohol.

On weekdays, drink more water, ensure more than 2000 ml of drinking water every day, it is best to drink plain water to help uric acid discharge.

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