How do children play crazy and shout until their voices are hoarse

Can children also get throat inflammation?

Can kids get throat? The answer is yes. Pharyngitis is the inflammation of the pharynx mucosa and submucosal tissue, the main cause of the disease is the throat by bacteria or bacteria infection, is a common and multiple diseases in children. Especially in spring, the temperature changes, the bacteria began to recover, it is easy to cause a variety of diseases, the throat as the "gateway" of the respiratory system, this period of time is very easy to high inflammation.

When is a child susceptible to pharyngitis? Low immunity, fatigue, cold, lack of vitamins, excessive eating of irritating foods, or frequent exposure to high temperatures, dust, harmful irritating gases, etc., may cause acute throat inflammation.

In addition, if the child itself has rhinitis, otitis media and other diseases, and parents do not pay enough attention to, no timely treatment, it is also easy to cause children's pharyngitis. If the child's acute pharyngitis treatment is not thorough, repeated attacks, it is easy to turn chronic pharyngitis.

Child got pharyngitis, what symptom can appear? Parents can also initially judge whether the child has pharyngitis according to the symptoms, and then go to the hospital for further diagnosis and treatment.

① The voice is hoarse

The voice is hoarse, or even lost, the throat is swollen and red, and the saliva flows more than before.

② Swollen and painful throat

The child will feel a foreign body sensation in the throat, itching, slight pain, dry burning, etc., which is more serious when vocalizing.

Cough and phlegm

Children's throat inflammation, will lead to increased throat secretions, often sticky secretions attached to the pharyngeal wall is not easy to clear. So the child will often appear cough, phlegm, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, this situation is more serious at night.

④ Other symptoms

Some children also have symptoms such as fever, headache and general malaise.

How to prevent pharyngitis?

① Watch your diet

The diet is orderly, light diet, less meat and more vegetables, less high-fat and spicy food. Drink more warm water, so as to maintain the vitamins and water needed by the human body, but also to make the pharyngeal mucosa fully nourished.

② Pay attention to oral hygiene

The mouth and throat are the "pathway" for air and food to enter, so it is necessary to cultivate the good habit of children brushing their teeth frequently, and gargle with light salt water in the morning and evening to clean and wet the throat mucosa, improve the pharynx environment, and prevent bacterial infection.

③ Regular life and rest

Keep enough sleep every day and stay up late as little as possible. Usually let children exercise more, strengthen outdoor activities, more sunshine, enhance physical fitness, improve immunity.

④ Avoid excessive use of voice

Improper use of voice, excessive use of voice, may cause damage to the vocal cords. When a child cries, parents must find out the cause in time to reduce the baby's crying, especially screaming. Older children should also often tell them to use their voices correctly.

A bowl of platycodon soup to ease the child's throat discomfort

Child got pharyngitis, throat discomfort how to do? In addition to the treatment of the syndrome, you can also use this diet to clear heat and benefit the pharynx.

Xu Yujia parenting Hall, diet therapy - Platycodon decoction

Ingredients: Platycodon 3g, licorice 6g.

Practice: Wash the above medicine, take it with open water, and drink it as a substitute tea. Or put the above herbs into a pot with 2 bowls of water and boil it for 5 to 10 minutes. Throat discomfort can be drunk, depending on the situation for 3 to 5 days.

Efficacy: soothe throat and relieve pain, open lung qi.

Applicable age: over 3 years old, a small amount of multiple doses. Broad bean disease can be taken.

Platycodon decoction comes from "on typhoid miscellaneous diseases", is the treatment of lung carbuncle, pharyngeal pain prescription: "Shaoyin disease, twenty-three days, pharyngeal pain, can be with licorice soup; Not bad, with platycodon soup." Chinese medicine believes that platycodon platycodon is flat, bitter taste, xin, return to the lung meridian, with lung, throat, expectorant, discharge pus effect. Liquorice flat, sweet taste, heart, spleen, lung, stomach channel, with tonifying spleen qi, moistening lung cough, clearing heat and detoxification, relieve pain. Platycodon and licorice cooked into platycodon decoction, can play the role of phlegm, heat and pharyngeal, can alleviate children's pharyngeal pain.

For children's symptoms, parents can also add different herbs to platycodon soup, so as to play a different role.

① Dry throat: add 5g ophiopogon;

② Phlegm in the throat, poor digestion, white tongue coating: add 2g orange peel;

③ Sore throat, throat redness: add 5g chrysanthemum, 5g Xuanshen.

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