A US state announced that Trump was not eligible to participate in the election, and the Democratic Party's "extras" worked?

The United States will hold a new presidential election in 2024. Many analysts believe that the focus of the new presidential election in the United States is still likely to be Biden versus Trump. One is the last winner, the current president; The other is hoping for a comeback. However, while both teams are gearing up, Trump's side seems to have been "outmaneuvering", and in the worst case, he will lose his candidacy in some states.

[Colorado Supreme Court declares Trump ineligible for next year's election in the state]
The Colorado Supreme Court recently announced that they passed a ruling by a vote of 4 to 3 that Trump's participation in the Capitol Hill riot in early 2021 triggered the third article of the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, which means that Trump is not eligible to serve as president and cannot participate in the next presidential election in the state.
Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution states that any person who has previously sworn to support the Constitution of the United States and has served as a member of Congress, an official of the United States government, or a member of the legislature of any state of the United States, or an officer of the executive or judicial branches of any state, who has engaged in "rebellion" against the Constitution of the United States, or who has given "aid or convenience" to its enemies, They may not run for office as members of the United States Congress, President, or Vice President, and may not hold civil or military office under the federal or any state.
In fact, the case over Trump's eligibility for the election began in a Colorado court in late October with a lawsuit brought by a nonprofit on behalf of six Colorado voters. Lawyers for the plaintiffs complained at the time that Trump had violated the Constitution by inciting a mob to attack the Capitol to prevent a peaceful transition of power. On the one hand, Trump's defense lawyer Gersler denied that Trump incited a riot, but on the other hand, he claimed that if it was used to disqualify Trump as a presidential candidate, it would set a "dangerous precedent."

[Trump says Colorado court ruling could set 'dangerous precedent']
There is no doubt that the consequences of violating the third section of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution, in terms of "rebellion" and "giving convenience to the enemy," are quite serious, which is why the Colorado Supreme Court's recent ruling has attracted so much attention. If the ruling stands, Trump could be kicked out of the presidential race in Colorado. But there is more to the story than meets the eye.
Because Colorado is the Democratic Party's "iron vote warehouse", no matter whether the ruling is passed or not, Trump has a high probability of not winning in this state. The real significance of this matter is that the majority opinion of the judge is to disqualify Trump from the election according to the US Constitution. Once this reason is copied by judges in other states in the future, the possibility of causing a chain reaction cannot be ruled out. Of course, it is not that simple, and if judges in other states want to follow suit, there will certainly be a lot of litigation. Will the current conservative Supreme Court take up the case? What's the verdict if you answer it? It's a different story.
But one undeniable fact is that for the Trump side, the Colorado Supreme Court's ruling is definitely not what they are happy to see. Immediately after the ruling came out, Trump campaign spokesman Steven Chang said it would seek an appeal, denouncing the decision as "highly undemocratic" and asking for it to be stayed. He also claimed that the matter means that Biden is meddling in next year's US election, because the all-Democratic appointed panel is listening to left-wing groups, and the Democratic Party's largest financial donor George Soros is behind the force.

[For next year's election, Trump and Biden's teams are starting to work hard]
Steven Zhang also claimed that the reason why Biden and the Democratic Party adopted this method to suppress Trump precisely reflects their loss of confidence in Biden's presidency and fear of Trump's increasing popularity. He said Democrats are doing everything they can to prevent American voters from throwing them out of office next year.
Mr Trump's lawyers insisted that the amendment "does not apply" to him. He claimed that the amendment speaks only of "officers who take an oath to support the Constitution of the United States," but there is no explicit law that states that the president of the United States is an "officer," and that the president takes an oath to "preserve, observe, and defend" the Constitution, not to "support it."
Some US media believe that although the ruling is only applicable in Colorado, this "historic ruling" is likely to make next year's presidential election more chaotic. Colorado officials have also stressed that the matter needs to be resolved by Jan. 5, the legal deadline for drawing up a list of Republican candidates. Time may be running out for the Trump team.

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