The meeting hosted by the Chinese side, the United States actually made destruction, made the next three abusive moves, can only say more poor technology

The recent Security Council meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli issue chaired by China has attracted wide attention from the outside world. In particular, the remarks made by the Chinese representative at this meeting further clarified China's position on the settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, and also let the world see China's image as a responsible major country. However, before the meeting, Iran wanted to participate in the meeting, but was blocked by the United States, and the United States really used a dirty trick, which seemed to the outside world even brought down the identity of the United States, causing a wide range of heated discussions.

According to the Iranian news agency, the Iranian foreign minister said that because the United States delayed the issuance of visas to Iranian diplomats, the Iranian delegation missed an important meeting of the UN Security Council on the Palestinian-Israeli issue. In addition, he said, the world is now working to achieve a sustainable ceasefire between the two sides, so that Hamas can exchange all Palestinian prisoners with Israel.

On this issue, Iran has been in close contact with the prime minister of Qatar, which has acted as a mediator for the prisoner swap in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It has to be said that by doing so, the United States is simply sabotaging, by playing a dirty trick on Iran, so that Iran can not participate in this meeting. Of course, this is not the first time that the United States has done this to Iran. Previously, as relations between the United States and Iran became increasingly strained, the United States also refused to issue a visa to Iran's then-Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and prevented him from attending the United Nations Security Council meeting. For the United States, such tactics have long been familiar, and even become a common tactic.

Once a country is not as good as the United States, the United States will use this against other countries. However, it is worth mentioning that the United States is not completely not issuing visas, but as much as possible, so that these countries can not catch the meeting to attend. Just like this time, the United States issued visas to Iranian diplomats at 1 a.m. on the 29th, which is obviously a deliberate attempt by the United States to exclude Iran from the meeting.

In response to such shameless behavior of the United States, we can only say that the United States has run out of tricks, and only with the help of such a way can we achieve our own despicable purposes. However, although the United States lent Iranian diplomats to extend the visa matter, to Iran a maw, but it will show their shamelessness again, so that the world once again see the true face of the United States.

It has to be said that while the United States can pressure Iran on visas, it cannot block China's tough stance in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For China, what is urgently needed now is to resolve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as soon as possible and return the world to peace. In particular, China's attitude at the Security Council meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli issue was particularly tough, and it even put forward certain requirements to the Security Council, which requires the joint efforts of all members of the Security Council. In particular, the United States should play an important role in ending the Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire, rather than playing dirty to other countries.

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