Even eat three meals a day, the father of the second child was diagnosed with late cancer, has been transferred! This dish is loved by many people

This year's 40-year-old master Liu was born in the countryside, has been guarding his own one mu three points of land. He likes to eat pickles on weekdays. Therefore, he made pickled products from vegetables and radishes planted in the field and ate them three times a day. He also liked to smoke and drink, especially home-brewed sweet potatoes.

He himself forgot when to start, and sometimes his stomach would feel faint after a meal. However, this discomfort is not strong, a little digestion for a while, he only took it as eating too much, and did not care. Later, the symptoms became more and more obvious, he went to the town health center to prescribe stomach medicine.

In those years, he repeatedly abdominal pain and abdominal distension, he thought that he was so young, do farm work does not feel tired, "get through it will be past." Later, several times the pain was so severe that he simply did not go to the health center and went to the pharmacy to buy medicine.

Gradually, his appetite became worse and worse, and after a few bites he could not move, and the pain was so great that he could not sleep all night. Really can not endure, in the health center doctor's introduction, he came to Ningbo Medical Center Li Huili Hospital gastrointestinal surgery treatment.

After a gastroscopy, a tumor with a diameter of 5 centimeters was found in Liu's stomach, which was diagnosed as advanced gastric cancer with liver metastases.

Thinking of two teenage children at home, Master Liu held the report in the consulting room of Yu Weiming, director of gastrointestinal surgery, and shed tears: "Am I not going to live long?" Would it not have been so serious to check earlier?"

In view of Master Liu's condition, Yu Weiming organized MDT discussion and developed a diagnosis and treatment plan for transformation and then surgery. After four courses of chemotherapy, the stomach tumor had shrunk by 80%, and the liver metastases had almost disappeared. Subsequently, Yu Weiming's team carried out radical surgery for gastric cancer. After surgery, Master Liu received 6 courses of chemotherapy and finally ended all treatment.

Now 5 years have passed, Master Liu's body has gradually recovered, and he still keeps his own one acre and three points of land, planting some favorite dishes. However, he has now quit smoking and drinking, and rarely touches pickles. Sometimes when he saw his neighbors living the same habits as he used to, he couldn't help nagging: "Take me as a warning and don't eat like this anymore!"

The 5-year survival rate of early gastric cancer is more than 90%

Gastroscopy screening is the key

Yu Weiming said that the stomach, as an important digestive organ of the human body, is very susceptible to disease.

China is a major country in the incidence of gastric cancer, 42% of the world's gastric cancer occurs in China. Gastric cancer has become the top three cancers in China. However, stomach cancer is not a "leap" from normal cells to cancer cells, from the beginning of gastritis to the final development of stomach cancer, is a step by step process.

"The incidence of stomach cancer in our coastal areas is closely related to our long-term drinking habits and our preference for preserved food." Yu Weiming analysis, pickled food contains a lot of nitrite, long-term consumption will stimulate the gastric mucosa, make its function disorders, congestion, edema, erosion, increase the chance of gastric mucosa cancer.

However, because early stomach cancer does not have obvious symptoms, regular screening is an important barrier. The five-year survival rate of early gastric cancer is more than 90%, while the five-year survival rate of middle and late gastric cancer is less than 30%. Only early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment are the "king way".

"Regular gastroscopy screening is the key to early diagnosis, and it is recommended that people over the age of 40, as well as people with gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain and nausea, have a gastroscopy. A professional doctor will assess whether intervention is needed and how often." Yu Weiming reminded that more and more patients with digestive tract tumors are becoming younger and younger, in addition to the elderly, young people should maintain a rhythm in life, not to stay up late, eat less or do not eat junk food, and do not waste their bodies with young people.

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