Have you found the right way to quit smoking

What are the right ways to quit smoking? Can you use e-cigarettes instead of smoking cessation?

Smoking is no small harm

It is summarized as "fatal chronic noncommunicable diseases" in medicine, and the number of cases greatly exceeds other "fatal chronic noncommunicable diseases" such as asthma and coronary heart disease.

Smoking does great harm to the human body, which is easy to induce throat cancer, lung cancer and other diseases. People who do not smoke themselves, but who inhale "second-hand smoke" for a long time, the probability of suffering from diseases such as asthma and COPD is many times higher than normal people.

For pregnant women, whether smoking first-hand or second-hand smoke, it may affect the fetus and induce congenital physiological defects in the fetus.

If it is a child who is in the growing period, inhaling "second-hand smoke" will affect the child's immune system, and may also affect the child's bone development.

Therefore, the harm of smoking to the human body is all-round.

Why do you fail repeatedly?

In fact, through the continuous publicity over the years, some old smokers have also conceived the idea of quitting smoking, and some people have tried to quit smoking, but often failed in the end.

According to professional studies, for people who have formed tobacco dependence, the success rate of quitting is only 50%.

If you want to quit smoking successfully, you can try the "5R" and "5A" modes. Simply put, it is to let smokers know the harm of smoking to themselves and their families; Assessing smokers' willingness to quit; Let those who want to quit smoking know and predict the problems and obstacles that may be encountered in the process of quitting smoking in advance, and think of ways to deal with them.

When quitting smoking, smokers can take the initiative to tell their relatives and friends around their smoking cessation plan and give themselves some pressure from the outside.

Then, get rid of tobacco products, get proper physical exercise, stay away from smokers, and spend time with non-smokers.

Practice refusing to let others smoke at home, and don't waste your efforts because of face problems. If you have formed a dependence on tobacco, it is necessary to plan to reduce the number of smoking, such as a pack of cigarettes the day before quitting, the first week can try to change to a three-day pack, the second week can try a five-day pack, and so on. In addition, you can also smoke the first cigarette in the morning as late as possible.

E-cigarettes are not advisable

In daily life, we often hear a saying to the effect that people who smoke for a long time, suddenly quit smoking, but not good for the health. Mr Gao said there was no scientific basis for such claims.

In the process of quitting smoking, there will certainly be withdrawal symptoms, which may induce some people to have symptoms of anxiety and depression, but as long as the normal emotional resolution, it is possible to overcome this discomfort.

If you are really uncomfortable in the process of quitting smoking, you can go to the pharmacy to buy some smoking cessation drugs, such as nicotine patches, nicotine chewing gum, etc. Of course, the doctor in the smoking cessation clinic can also help the patient prescribe some prescription drugs to ease the withdrawal symptoms after quitting smoking.

However, in view of some people think that you can use e-cigarettes to replace smoking real cigarettes, Gao Liang said that it is not advisable, regardless of whether e-cigarettes contain nicotine, it will eventually form smoke and inhale the body, and these fumes are not less harmful to the respiratory tract and lungs than real cigarettes.

Gao Liang tips, the usual thing, do not be afraid to try again because you have failed to quit smoking a few times. For the sake of yourself and your family's health, it is better to insist on quitting smoking.

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