"Chengdu Manufacturing" listed in the World's Top 500 Brands for the first time

"Chengdu Manufacturing" listed in the World's Top 500 Brands for the first time

On December 13, the World Brand Lab (World Brand Lab) 2023 "World's Top 500 brands" list was announced in New York, USA. The reporter combed the list and found that a total of 48 Chinese brands were selected. Among them, Chengdu brand Tongwei was selected for the first time at the 439th place, joining hands with State Grid, Tencent, Haier, Huawei, China Resources and other Chinese brands, demonstrating the strong development strength and brand influence of "Chengdu Made".

As the "Ivy" of the global brand industry, the World Brand Lab has produced the World Brand Report for the 20th year. What kind of companies can be included in the World's Top 500 Brands?

According to the three key indicators of brand influence, namely market share, brand loyalty and global leadership, the World Brand Lab comprehensively scored more than 8,000 well-known brands around the world, and finally launched the world's most influential 500 brands.

The list shows that in the 2023 "World's Top 500 brands" list, Microsoft, which ranked second last year, beat Apple to take the first place; Apple slipped to second place; Amazon came in third. The United States ranked first in brand power, France, China, Japan and the United Kingdom were the second camp of the world's brand power, and the number of Chinese brands selected (48) surpassed Japan (43) for the first time, ranking third in the world.

From the perspective of industry, this year's World's Top 500 Brands covers a total of 47 industries. Among them, a total of 35 food and beverage brands ranked first; A total of 32 automotive and parts brands ranked second; The retail sector continues to recover, with 28 brands on the list this year, tying for third place with the energy sector. In the media sector, 26 brands ranked fifth. Other industries with the highest number of entries are Internet (24), banking (24), insurance (24), computers and communications (23) and telecommunications (21).

It is worth mentioning that the average age of the World's Top 500 Brands in 2023 is 98.57 years old, which has increased from 98.22 years old last year. Among them, there are as many as 225 "centennial veterans" who are 100 years old and above, accounting for more than 40%. Of the 48 Chinese brands on the list, only Moutai, Tsingtao Beer, Wuliangye, Bank of China and AIA outperformed Bailing.

Tongwei International Center in downtown Chengdu

Behind the world's top 500 brands, the influence of the brand is shown. As a representative of Chengdu Intelligent Manufacturing, Tongwei entered the list for the first time this year. Public information shows that Tongwei has formed a complete photovoltaic new energy industry chain with independent intellectual property rights, and has created two global leaders in high-purity crystalline silicon and high-efficiency batteries. Behind the list of enterprises, it is the rapid rise of Chengdu photovoltaic industry cluster. Today, Chengdu focuses on battery cells and modules, has two technical routes of crystalline silicon and cadmium telluride film, and has gathered more than 20 leading enterprises and scientific research institutions such as Tongwei Solar Energy, China Building Materials Optoelectronics, Southwest Petroleum photovoltaic Industry Technology Research Institute, and the scale of the city's photovoltaic industry is expected to exceed 100 billion yuan in 2025.

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