The latest "World's top 500 brands" : Mobile is far ahead, Unicom failed to make the list

The 2023 (20th) "World's Top 500 Brands" list, compiled exclusively by World Brand Lab, was announced in New York on December 13. Among them, China Mobile ranked 86, far ahead of Telecom (240), Unicom did not make the list.

The World's Top 500 Brands is released!

Microsoft (MSFT, Tech30), last year's No. 2, beat Apple (AAPL, Tech30) to No. 1, according to the latest list. Apple slipped into second place; Amazon was third. In addition, Google, Walmart, McDonald's, Toyota, Tesla, Coca-Cola and Mercedes-Benz made the top 10.

A total of 32 countries' brands were selected, and from the point of view of the country distribution of the number of brands, the United States accounted for 193 seats, ranking first in the brand country; France, China, Japan and the United Kingdom are the "second camp" of the world's brand powers.

The number of Chinese brands selected (48) surpassed Japan (43) for the first time, ranking third in the world.

The top 10 brands in China are: State Grid, Tencent, Haier, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Huawei, China Central Television, China Resources, China Mobile, China Life, TSMC.

It is reported that The World's 500 Most Influential Brands (The World's 500 Most Influential Brands) is judged based on the brand's global influence. The so-called Brand Influence (Brand Influence) refers to the ability of the brand to open up the market, occupy the market and obtain profits.

According to the three key indicators of Brand influence, namely MarketShare, Brand Loyalty and Global Leadership, the World Brand Lab has conducted a comprehensive score on more than 8,000 well-known brands worldwide. Finally, it launched the world's 500 most influential brands.

When measuring brand loyalty, we refer to the Rating data of iTrust Rating. SuperFinance's ESG database was used to measure brands' leadership and specifically their ESG (Environmental, Social and governance) scores.

Founded and first chaired by Nobel Prize winning economist Professor Robert Mundell, World Brand Lab is the industry's leading brand consulting, research and evaluation organization.

Why is Mobile so far ahead?

As a major force in the construction of network power, digital China and smart society, China Mobile anchors the development position of "creating a world-class information service technology innovation company", continues to pay attention to the construction and development of the brand, constantly forging the brand with strength, empowering the brand with innovation, and cultivating the brand with service. It is probably that in the 2023 World brand list, China Mobile can be far ahead of Telecom and fight Unicom.

According to reports, China Mobile has built the world's leading 5G network, and has built nearly 1.9 million 5G base stations, achieving basic continuous coverage of cities, counties, urban areas and towns across the country. The world's largest "5G+ Beidou" high-precision positioning network has been built, which can provide dynamic centimeter-level and static millimeter-level positioning services. At present, China Mobile has accumulated 750 million 5G users, achieving two "global firsts" in 5G network scale and 5G customer scale.

Forging technology-leading 5G capabilities, China Mobile has led 231 5G international standards to accelerate the evolution to 5G-A, and the contribution of international standards and the number of patent applications are firmly in the first camp of global operators. Tackling key 5G core technologies, landmark achievements continue to emerge, and successfully developed and commercialized the first reconfigurable 5G RF transceiver chip "Breaking Wind 8676" in China; Launch the 5G lightweight technology Redcap "1+5+5" innovation demonstration city to promote the maturity of Redcap technology, industry and application; Build a network intelligent technology system from scratch, release a large network model, and reach the international leading level in the integration of artificial intelligence and communication network operation.

to create industry-leading 5G applications, China Mobile has created new experiences and new gameplay such as 5G new calls, video ring back tones, and cloud games in the field of TOC consumption; In the field of to B industry, China Mobile released the "5G ultimate private Network 3.0 Ultra" this year, building a strong dual-domain office, cross-domain interconnection, global boutique and other multi-scene capabilities, has signed a total of more than 30,000 5G commercial cases, to achieve the scale of port, industry, mining and other industries

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