How big is that potential? The data is strong evidence

A few days ago, the State Office issued the "Opinions on Further Stimulating the Potential of cultural and tourism consumption" proposed to develop holiday and night economy;

The issuance of the Opinions on Accelerating the Development of Circulation and Promoting Commercial Consumption pointed out that the night business and market should be active.

This reflects the importance the country attaches to developing circulation and expanding consumption, and also brings more new momentum to further stimulate the potential of domestic consumption.

Starting from today, the Economic edition has launched a series of reports of "Economy Focus · Night Economy Observation", which visits the night business venues in Beijing, Shanghai,

Chengdu and other places, displays a variety of night economy formats in different cities, discusses the pain points and countermeasures of night economy development, in order to provide references for the further standardized development of night economy in various places.

Night falls and the lights come on. In many cities, lively life is just beginning.

Night shopping, night market punch in, late night canteen all the way... With the traditional business model extending business hours and enriching business forms, the consumption potential of the night economy is constantly being released.

How big is that potential? The data is strong evidence --

Evening dining is preferred. According to the UnionPay network transaction data released by China UnionPay during this year's National Day holiday, the amount of night dining consumption from 22:00 to 6:00 the next day increased by 55.5% year-on-year, higher than the average growth rate of the catering industry.

The traditional business district shows vitality. Autonavi and UnionPay big data show that the National Day holiday, Beijing Sanlitun business district night consumption is particularly active, night consumption increased by 30.5%.

Chopping hands at night is even more fun. "Alibaba's" Night Economy "report shows that from 21 to 22 am is the peak period of Taobao transactions, and night consumption accounts for more than 36% of total consumption.

Recently, all localities have taken the cultivation of night economy as a new round of promoting consumption. Our reporter visited the representative night business places in Beijing, Shanghai and Chengdu to experience the endless vitality of the night economy in various places.

The traditional business district takes on a new look at night

At 5 o 'clock in the morning, walking on the pedestrian street of Chunxi Road in Chengdu, the purple morning sun rose with the spicy taste in the air, which aroused the greedy appetite in the stomach.

Stop at Qunguang Square at the street entrance, and the side door goes straight to the 9th floor. The authentic Chengdu hot pot restaurant is hot and rising, and the fresh and tender hairy belly is alive and fragrant in the rolling red soup. The comfortable Chengdu is presented in this comfortable nightlife.

"I have seen the opening hours of hot pot restaurants continue to delay from 1 or 2 in the night to 7 in the morning now. The increasing traffic at night in the Chunxi Road business district has forced our management to keep up with the evening business demand."

Chengdu Chunxi Road Qunguang Plaza deputy store manager Xie Zhenggang told reporters that the mall as a whole closes at 10:30 p.m., in order to ensure the normal business of high-level catering,

the side door straight ladder is specially opened, security, cleaning personnel are on duty 24 hours a day, delayed service in exchange for a value of return - the night sales of the mall exceeds the day.

In recent years, with the rise of quality shopping centers such as international financial center and Jingronghui, the fashion index and internationalization level of Chunxi Road business circle have been greatly improved,

and the night shopping and night shopping this business circle has become one of the key projects of many Chengdu people's nightlife. This year's National Day holiday, Chunxi Road business district received 4.928 million tourists, an average of 704,000 people per day.

At 8 o 'clock in the evening, the night is voluptuous, and Taikoo Li, Sanlitun, Beijing, is bustling and popular. As a famous "hipster punch time resort" in Beijing, the Sanlitun business District has been upgraded this year, focusing on the development of the night economy, but also to make people's nightlife more colorful.

Beijing Chaoyang District Bureau of Commerce relevant person in charge, Sanlitun Taikoo Li recently pilot outdoor shops, north and south of the two districts of the outdoor facilities of the shop a total of 14,

with a total area of 750 square meters. In the future, 16 more will be added, and the area will be doubled. In addition to the upgrading of the business format, the business hours of 18 shops in the business circle have been extended to after 22 o 'clock. In addition,

the problem of nighttime parking that has plagued consumers has eased. Sanlitun Taikoo Li launched a preferential night parking policy, stipulating that the parking fee from 22 to 11 the next day is 1 yuan per hour, which greatly meets the needs of consumers for travel parking.

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