"We are buying 40 per cent more this year than we did last year in order to maximise the relief for melon farmers." Hema senior vice president Zhao Jiayu said.

Catering enterprises open "online business" mode

Chen Feng, head of Midu Nomadic Restaurant, did not expect that after closing the store for nearly 50 days, the resumption of work pressed the "fast forward key" : from the shopping mall to collect information,

the store to provide relevant information, to enter the "white list", get the pass, and then to open the shop to resume work and online business, it took only 3 days.

"We have been closed since the beginning of March, and the pressure on rent and staff wages is increasing." Chen Feng said that now the restaurant is "lit up" on the delivery platform, "lit up, there will be hope."

Yu Zhongjia, the relevant person in charge of the commercial complex "Magic Eye 158" where this restaurant is located, said that the merchants are the source of vitality of the commercial complex,

and the coordination of the resumption of work can "gather sand into a tower" and find the "fireworks gas" of the city as soon as possible. 158 shops have provided training and guidance to merchants who are willing and able to resume business, and nearly half of the catering enterprises have realized online business.

In Shanghai, the number of restaurants resuming online business is gradually increasing. Hu Jiawei, the manager of the old Shengchang Tang Bao Jiaozhou Road store, said that the store had only launched the takeout platform for 5 minutes,

and received nearly 100 orders, which took more than 1 hour to process, "had to temporarily close the takeout order system", so "on and off", the store can now complete more than 700 takeout orders a day, 7 times the number before the epidemic.

Heicha also introduced that at present, some stores in Shanghai have begun to provide community group buying of made milk tea to meet the improvement of consumption needs of residents as far as possible.

The reporter learned from Meituan takeout that as of May 5, more than 1,000 local restaurant chain brands in Shanghai have resumed online business, including many head coffee brands. On May 5, the number of drinks orders on Meituan takeout increased by more than 1.5 times week on week, and the number of snack traders increased by more than 70% week on week.

The variety of supply is gradually enriched

With new crayfish on the market and 8424 watermelons in season, some Shanghai residents are finding a lot of new options available on e-commerce platforms.

The Nanhui 8424 watermelon in Shanghai is ripe. Affected by the epidemic prevention and control, the city's transportation capacity has been reduced, all kinds of wholesale sales points have been closed, and the sale of real estate fruits and vegetables is facing certain difficulties.

"We are buying 40 per cent more this year than we did last year in order to maximise the relief for melon farmers." Hema senior vice president Zhao Jiayu said.

According to Zhang Tao, the relevant person in charge of the Pudong New Area Agricultural Association, the 8,424 watermelon planting area in Pudong New Area this year is nearly 10,000 mu, the same as last year,

and the total output is expected to be slightly higher than last year. "Under the epidemic, there are fewer offline distribution channels, and new retail channels such as Hema allow our watermelon to quickly achieve 'from the melon field to the table'."

In addition to seasonal fresh food delivered from the fields to the homes of residents, other improvement needs are also becoming abundant. According to data provided by Hema,

the most searched goods by Shanghai citizens on the App recently have shifted from meat and poultry, egg and milk, instant food and other necessities of life to crayfish, coffee, cola, pet supplies and other improved goods.

Data from Ele. me show that Coke orders in Shanghai have reached more than six times as many as on April 1; Orders for hanging ears and freeze-dried coffee also increased more than eight times.

Ding Dong buy food preprepared dishes in charge of Ou Houxi introduced that in order to meet the needs of residents to figure fresh, this year introduced flavors in addition to the traditional spicy, garlic,

thirteen incense, as well as Mojito cherry blossom flavors, coconut green flavors, etc., these new flavors of crayfish are also popular with users.Multifunctional commercial body settled in Wuchang Binjiang

On May 18, Wuhan Wuchang Vientiane City officially opened, and a new urban commercial complex blossomed in Wuchang Binjiang, becoming a new landmark of Wuhan Binjiang humanistic aesthetics.

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