The C-terminal assistant App Tencent Yuanbao will be released soon

This also led to the outside world on the big model "price war" opened speculation, in this regard, Wu Yunsheng responded in an interview with surging news reporters that Tencent's underlying ability and the construction of the tool chain are in the process of rapid iteration, the future will focus on the development of products and technical capabilities, I believe it can provide competitive models and products.

After the rise of the big model boom, how to actually land the application has become the focus of the industry this year, and this year is also known as the first year of the comprehensive commercial landing of the domestic AI big model.

Speaking of Tencent's core strategy for the large model, Wu Yunsheng said that the direction has always been to build the closest AI from the industry, "the scale of the general large model is too large, and there are many thresholds to really apply in the industry, and Tencent's direction has always been to reduce the threshold of use."

In the landing application, the large model has been deeply integrated with Tencent's own business, Tencent vice President Jiang Jie announced that the current Tencent mixed yuan large model has been in more than 600 Tencent internal business and scene landing test.

Among them, wechat reading has launched new functions such as AI asking book and AI outline based on the mixed yuan model to improve users' reading efficiency and experience.

Tencent customer service team upgraded the intelligent customer service system based on the mixed-element large model, launched the intelligent customer service vertical field fine-adjustment model,

improved the accuracy of intelligent dialogue intention understanding and the fluency of multiple rounds of questions and answers, and increased the accuracy of the following compared with the traditional small model by 38%.

However, for the return on investment (ROI) of related applications and large models, Zhang Feng, head of Tencent's mixed model application, told surging news reporters that the current Tencent's large model application is still in the exploration stage, and the relevant business scenarios are mainly based on innovative technologies.

The C-terminal assistant App Tencent Yuanbao will be released soon

It is worth noting that Jiang Jie announced that Tencent Mixed Yuan will launch the one-stop AI agent creation and distribution platform "Tencent Yuan device" to open the agent ecology. On the platform,

users can not only create exclusive AI agents, use Tencent's official plug-ins and knowledge base, but also distribute these agents to QQ, wechat customer service, and Tencent cloud with one click.

He also revealed that Tencent Yuanbao, a C-end assistant App based on the mixed-yuan model, will also be released on May 30.

In terms of open source, Wu Yunsheng told reporters that Tencent has been very supportive of the open source community, the reason why it supports open source is that it hopes to contribute successful experience to enterprises and developers,and also hopes to let more users feel the real situation of the mixed yuan model.

According to the data, previously, the mixed Yuan Wensheng diagram large model has been fully open source, and it has received more than 1,000 developers' attention on Github in only 3 days.

The multi-size Tencent hybrid MoE model is also about to be open source, which can respectively support diverse deployment scenarios such as mobile phone, PC, and cloud/data center.

On the same day, Tang Daosheng, senior executive vice president of Tencent Group and CEO of Cloud and smart industry business group, released three tools of Tencent Cloud large model knowledge engine,

image creation engine and video creation engine to create a native tool chain of the large model era to help enterprises use large models to develop AI native applications and quickly access production scenes.5G different network roaming will land, how to balance commercial interests is the key

Since the issuance of licenses in 2019, 5G has been commercially available in China for nearly 5 years. In terms of users, 5G technology has been quite popular and mature, and many people have experienced the convenience brought by high-speed mobile networks.

However, the number of 5G base stations of different operators is different, and the signal coverage is not the same. If the operators' respective 5G base stations can be shared and exchanged,

more signal dead spots can be covered, and users can have a better 5G network experience. The model of letting major operators rent base stations between each other is called "5G different network roaming" in the industry.

On May 17, at the 2024 World Telecommunication and Information Society Day Conference, the four major domestic operators China Mobile, China Telecom, China Unicom and China Broadcasting and Television jointly announced the launch of 5G different network roaming commercial promotion. Moreover, after the launch of commercial promotion, the corresponding provinces and cities will also develop specific promotion plans for 5G different network roaming.

5G different network roaming, so that Unicom card to use mobile signals

The concept of cross-network roaming, in which one operator rents base stations and networks to another, is not hard to understand. For example, if a regional Unicom does not lay 5G base stations,

then normally Unicom users will not be able to use Unicom's 5G services in the local area. If at this time, mobile has 5G base stations in the area, then it can lease them to Unicom. In this way, the mobile phone of Unicom users can also be connected to the mobile 5G base station, so as to achieve 5G Internet access.

Moreover, the mechanism of different network roaming has appeared before the 5G era. For example, if we travel abroad and want to use local mobile network services, we must either buy a local mobile phone card, or open the domestic mobile phone card with international roaming function.

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