Late at night! The sudden news of the Chinese yuan! The American chip giant is about to take action, which concerns China! The EU Announces Major Appointments, France Shocked

Starting from April 2022, Russia's share in Indian oil imports has been continuously increasing, not exceeding 10% at that time. In May of that year, it exceeded 10%, and by the end of the year, it had approached 25%. Since the beginning of 2023, Russia's share of India's oil imports has remained at around 30%.

US chip giants are about to take action

According to insiders, the CEOs of the three major US chip giants will travel to Washington next week to hold talks with US government officials and lawmakers, lobbying Biden to abandon new restrictions on chip exports to China.

According to reports, according to insiders, these three chip giants are Intel, Qualcomm, and Nvidia. Although they do not expect to prevent all relevant actions by the US government, they have noticed a window of opportunity and hope to make the Biden administration believe that the escalation of the situation will harm the current contacts between the White House and China, as well as diplomatic efforts to establish more productive relations.

The report mentions that these three chip giants believe that cutting off ties with the largest market (China) will damage their investment ability in advancing technology and ultimately weaken the leadership position of the United States.

Bloomberg reported that as the itinerary has not yet been made public, the above-mentioned insiders have requested anonymity. Representatives from the three aforementioned companies declined to comment, and White House officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

In October 2022, the US government issued comprehensive restrictions aimed at curbing the development of China's chip industry. According to reports, the above measures are expected to be further expanded by the end of July this year. Collet Kress, Chief Financial Officer of American chip company Nvidia, stated at an investment conference at the end of June that US restrictions on the export of artificial intelligence chips to China "will permanently deprive the US industry of opportunities.". Nvidia CEO Huang Renxun recently stated in an interview that the Chinese market is irreplaceable and exiting the Chinese market is not a feasible option.

EU fryer

A major personnel appointment is causing significant disagreements within the European Union.

Recently, the European Commission announced that Fiona Scott Morton, an economics professor at Yale University, will serve as the Chief Economist of the Competition Division, marking the first time a non EU member has held such a senior position.

The Global Times quoted Agence France Presse as reporting that the European Commission rejected France's decision on Friday to "reconsider" the appointment of American economist Morton as the chief economist of the commission's competition department.

It is worth mentioning that one of the important responsibilities of this position is to oversee the work of American technology giants. Morton will investigate antitrust and unfair competition practices within the European Union starting from September 1st.

However, Morton's resume shows that he not only worked in the antitrust department of the US Department of Justice, but also served as an advisor to US technology giants such as Amazon and Apple. According to media reports, she still has interests in some American companies.

At present, this appointment is causing strong dissatisfaction within the European Union, especially in France.

It was reported that some EU officials suspected that the appointment might be related to the European Commission President von der Leyen's wish to serve as the Secretary General of NATO, which was an exchange of interests.

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