online publicity and other channels, cultivate the public's ability to think independently and explore knowledge

The criterion for a country to qualify as an innovative nation is that at least 10 percent of the public has high scientific literacy. According to the results of the 10th national citizen science literacy survey released by the China Association for Science and Technology,

the proportion of Chinese citizens with basic scientific literacy reached 8.47% in 2018, indicating that the basic scientific literacy of the Chinese public is still low. Taking the COVID-19 epidemic as a mirror also reflects the reality that some of the public's scientific literacy needs to be improved.

In the face of the epidemic, the whole country needs to unite, respond systematically, mobilize the whole people, and scientifically prevent and control the epidemic. Guide citizens to understand scientific knowledge,

master scientific methods, uphold scientific spirit, and develop scientific behavior. This is not only a tool to effectively eliminate all kinds of epidemic rumors, but also an effective measure to improve the scientific quality of citizens.

First of all, popularization of scientific knowledge is the foundation. Scientific knowledge is the sum of cognition and experience gained by human beings in the practice of understanding and transforming the world.

To cultivate public scientific literacy, we should start from popularizing public health knowledge. During the epidemic prevention and control period, other mainstream media released a large number of popular science news about the virus that attracted wide public attention.

At the joint prevention and control mechanism press conferences at all levels, some government officials or authoritative experts will be invited to pass on epidemic prevention and medical knowledge related to epidemic prevention and control in a timely manner.

Some experts and scholars have become super "Internet celebrities" with "hardcore vernacular" and "circle fans countless", while answering questions and solving doubts, boosting confidence in defeating the epidemic.

Many websites have launched a series of popular science protection knowledge, and help you crack the "hard shell" of the new coronavirus through a down-to-earth question-and-answer method.

Its purpose is to guide the public to scientifically and rationally understand the epidemic and improve the scientific literacy of ordinary people. Therefore, we should further highlight the mass,

grass-roots and basic nature of science popularization, and make the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control "fly into the homes of ordinary people" through various forms of media publicity and popular means, so as to form a good atmosphere for the whole society to speak science, love science, learn science and use science.

Secondly, mastering the scientific method is the key. Scientific method is a variety of ways and means that people follow or use in understanding and transforming the world and conform to the general principles of science.

This not only provides guidelines for epidemic prevention and control work from the methodological level, but also provides scientific guidelines for strengthening the "immunity" of the whole society through scientific methods.

We must work together to fight the epidemic and rely on the broad masses of the people to form joint prevention and control and mass prevention and treatment. To this end, we need to advocate scientific methods to disseminate scientific knowledge to the public,

guide the public to raise awareness of scientific prevention, and master the "hard technology" of epidemic prevention and control, such as the "seven-word formula" washing technique. People need to integrate scientific methods into their daily work and life,

develop the habit of applying and practicing science, respond to the epidemic rationally, maintain a positive attitude, and inject more positive energy into winning the battle against the epidemic.

Thirdly, advocating scientific spirit is the core. Scientific spirit is the understanding and transformation of the world with a scientific attitude and method, and the profound insight and rational grasp of the external world,

phenomena and events. To defeat the epidemic, we need to be guided by the scientific spirit, use facts, details and science to analyze the epidemic situation and enhance prevention and control awareness.

In this war against the epidemic, the reason why Zhong Nanshan, Li Lanjuan and other experts and scholars are regarded as the "guardian" of health is inseparable from their scientific spirit.

In the process of fighting the epidemic, we should trust and rely on science, face up to the epidemic in a scientific spirit, and distinguish the truth and falsehoods of all kinds of information.

Through radio, television, online publicity and other channels, cultivate the public's ability to think independently and explore knowledge, so that they can rationally identify, carefully verify,

accurately judge, and properly respond, strengthen their determination and enhance their confidence, persist in not believing or spreading rumors, actively disseminate positive energy, eliminate the impact of negative information, and firmly establish the belief of victory in fighting the epidemic.

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