encourage industrial scale development and support mutual learning among enterprises in the region;

"Tangutiannine" is the first special support policy for the commercial space industry in Guangzhou, which puts forward policies and measures from nine aspects, including initial financing support for commercial space enterprises, spacecraft development subsidies,

large-scale development support, space element support, spacecraft launch incentives, insurance subsidies, frequency resource applications, industrial linkage, and specialized capacity support, covering the whole life cycle of commercial space enterprises.

First, we will encourage enterprises to increase investment in R&D and innovation and in fixed assets.

Second, encourage industrial scale development and support mutual learning among enterprises in the region;

Third, focus on professional ability and qualification to form development advantages;

Fourth, strengthen landing guarantee services to promote industrial ecological development, and provide support for enterprise production and financing.The second launch station of Hainan Commercial Space Launch Site started the installation of standardized equipment

"Lift up! At 12 o 'clock on May 11, with the sound of on-site instructions, a giant was steadily lifted off the ground by a crawler crane in front of the No. 2 launch station of the Hainan Commercial Space Launch Site, opening the installation of the No. 2 launch station type equipment.

Launch Station No. 2 is a liquid universal launch station, and the giant being lifted up is the most innovative equipment of the station - the uniform device, that is, the base and interface of launch station No. 2. It consists of three parts: a fixed transmitter,

a hydraulic erecting device and a gas supply pipeline, among which the fixed transmitter is composed of eight platforms. After the equipment is assembled, it can meet the launch needs of more than 10 different types of rockets.

This time, the 78-ton No. 3 platform was steadily lifted half a meter high, and then slowly moved to the predetermined position of the No. 2 launch station. Bian Pengfei, project manager of the second launch station, said that in the next 10 days, the eight platforms of the fixed launch pad will be completed, as well as the installation of the hydraulic erecting device.

It is understood that since the equipment arrived at Wenchang Qinglan Port on May 7, Hainan International Commercial Space Launch Co., Ltd. quickly coordinated the equipment approach. After two days of intense preparation,

all the equipment arrived successfully in the early morning of May 9. After the operation, the corresponding fixed launch pad will be installed in place, followed by the hydraulic erecting device will be quickly followed,

and finally ensure that the installation of all the second launch station type equipment will be completed on May 20, helping the second launch station of Hainan Commercial Space Launch Site to complete the installation task in accordance with the time node.SONY expects PS5 sales to decline year after year: the business model has changed a lot

As the PS5 enters the second half of the console cycle, SONY expects its sales to gradually decline. According to the financial report, total PS5 sales are currently 59.2 million units. The figure is slightly lower than SONY's revised expectations a few months ago, and slightly lower than PS4 sales in the same period.

During the investor call, SONY discussed PS5 sales with Sadahiko Hayakawa, general manager of corporate finance, who said that PlayStation's business model has changed significantly since the launch of the PS4.

In previous generations, including the PS3, SONY focused on increasing software sales associated with new hardware. The PS4 cycle can be seen as a transition to a platformer time-focused business model.

Sadahiko Hayakawa told investors: "After the transition of the PS4, the PS5 has shifted to a more focused model of increased platformer game time due to the expansion of the user community across generations.

As a result of this change in business model, we were able to significantly increase our margins in this segment in the PS4 generation, thanks to rapid digitization and the expansion of network services."

According to Sadahiko Hayakawa, the PS5 has taken full advantage of the installed user base, and SONY believes PS5 sales will gradually decline in the second half of its life cycle.

"In the PS5 generation, which takes full advantage of the existing user base, this growth trend is difficult to see due to the impact of home needs and purchase related expenses." But since the launch of the PS5,

we have continued to deliver a more consistent high level of profit growth. As we enter the second half of the console cycle, we expect sales of new PS5 machines to gradually decline. However, by steadily maintaining and expanding the continued growth in active user numbers and user engagement,

while strengthening the control of business costs, we believe we will be able to continue to increase sales and profits on the PS platform going forward." Can the "Two Yuan" of the traditional business cluster layout in Ningbo become a "new idea of transformation"?

Since this year, Ningbo's "de-commercialization" new business has become a new hot spot. Among them, the "two yuan" business is coming with a strong momentum, causing a consumption boom that cannot be underestimated.

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