That's what basketball is all about

  1. We players are actors too. I don't think my job is more important than that of a fireman or a policeman every day. This stadium is for people to relax and I have a responsibility or can do something to relax them! -- Jordan

  2. When I retired, I could control the field, I was the target of everyone who wanted to knock me down, but now, no one expects anything from me, I show up in a low profile, the contrast is too big, but it is also very new. Nobody expects us to win 50 games, a lot of people say we won't win 30 games. It's a challenge... I'm not coming back with the confidence that we're going to get 50 wins. I'd be surprised if we were 50-32, but I think we'd be better than 19-63. - Jordan

  3. I saw that they kept changing players to guard me, I could tell that the first player guarding me was scared, and as soon as I started scoring away from him, they changed to another one, and then I drove the defender crazy and moved on to the next one. No matter who is defending me, I believe that as long as I continue to attack him, he will eventually collapse and give up. -- Kobe Bryant

  4. I'm not saying I can beat Kobe Bryant, I can beat McGratty. You all say they're going to replace me, and I'm sure they can't wait to meet me, and I can't wait to meet them. -- Jordan

  5. Obviously, when I left the game, I left something on the field. You may not understand, when we won the last championship, I did not intend to retire, I did not intend to overturn the foundation that was established at that time. If Phil (Jackson) had stayed with the Bulls, I'd still be playing." -- Jordan

  6. I will be patient enough, I don't expect to score 40 or 50 points in the first game. I will gradually adapt to the intense competition in my own way. -- Jordan

  7. Basketball, maybe you think this is just a sport, but I regard it as air, I breathe every day depends on it, this is the meaning of basketball. Basketball is life - Kevin Garnett

  8. I didn't walk into the game feeling like I was going to lose. I came back confident that I could still make a difference. If I'd just sat here and listened to people tell me I couldn't come back, I wouldn't be here. -- Jordan

  9. Everything I do now is in pursuit of perfection. -- Kobe Bryant

  10. No one will give you everything, you want to achieve the goal, you have to pay, tears, blood, sweat these three things ———— Garnett

  11. I am not going into the dark, I know my strength, I know what is expected of me, I know that everyone wants to beat me. Everyone wanted to play against me when I left and that hasn't changed. - Jordan

  12. No matter what, don't give up, always believe that your dreams can come true, and work hard to fight for it

  13. I don't think it's the color of your skin that sets people apart anywhere, it's the talent and the sweat you sweat. -- John Nash

  14. Only the sky is my limit -- Carter

  15. I have failed and been depressed. But I never give up, because I believe I'mthebest! -- Allen Iverson

  16. I don't want to be Michael Jordan, I don't want to be Magic Johnson, I just want to look in the mirror at the end of my career and be able to say to myself, I'm still Allen Iverson. -- Allen Iverson

  17. I've never been afraid of a challenge... I'm never afraid to take a new step. If I fail, I'll get up and start again. -- Jordan

  18. The most outstanding ability of a great star is to make the teammates around him better. -- Jordan

  19. No matter what position I play, I just want to bring the determination to win. I want to be an unselfish player and I feel that drives my teammates to improve. Because when you have one of the best players on the floor and you're unselfish, it's going to rub off on the rest of the team. -- James

  20. I don't want much. Mr. Quire doesn't excite me. I'm just happy to have basketball in my life. -- James

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