A girl's second dress

When it comes to small items worth investing in all year round, it must be a variety of accessories, earrings, necklaces, hair clips, bracelets... Whether in winter or summer is the finishing touch of the overall look, smart girls know how to use accessories to enhance their regular outfits.

But the variety of accessories and emerge in an endless stream, coupled with the price is not too expensive, casually can harvest a grassland, often buy home to try to find that it is not suitable for themselves, so in the accessories spent a lot of money. So today we are going to help you make choices, avoid unnecessary entanglements, and grow grass more accurately.

The most difficult accessories to choose are earrings and necklaces, and the premise of choosing the right earrings is to understand our own face shape. Different face shapes are suitable for different earrings, and while choosing earrings based on face shape may not be a strictly accurate method of judging, it can help you avoid most risks.

In general, our face shape can be basically divided into round face, oval face, heart-shaped face, square face, long face, diamond face six categories.

If you're not sure what your face shape is, try taking a head-on selfie and simply measuring these four stats.

After understanding what kind of face shape you belong to, choose your own earring necklace according to your face shape, basically there will be no big problem. The purpose of choosing jewelry is not only to improve the overall shape but also to better modify the face shape. If your face is more round, then it is not suitable for large and round jewelry; If you have an angular face, sharp jewelry is not for you. If you have a long face, then longer jewelry may not suit you either. Let's make a specific analysis one by one: round face girls are generally round and short jaw, facial curves are rounded and full, giving people a sense of young teeth and a sense of girlishness. Because the round face is relatively lacking in three-dimensional sense, it is necessary to avoid all jewelry that is similar to the round or has exaggerated design when choosing accessories.

If you wear this kind of accessories will appear more rounded face, so round face girls suitable for choosing slender, angular earrings or small and delicate earrings. Necklaces are recommended to choose the length to sag below the collarbone and above the chest position is best.

The main feature of the square face is angular, so the overall appearance of people is extremely atmospheric, in the selection of accessories only need to avoid choosing a strong line style can be. You can choose thin earrings that are longer than the chin to visually elongate the face, or rounded earrings or neck accessories, such as beaded pearl necklaces, can ease the square sense of the face and make the lines softer.

Girls with rectangular faces usually have the same width of forehead, cheekbones and lower jaw, and have a longer face shape, so it is best to avoid thin and long earrings, and the length of the ears should not exceed the chin. Look for dramatic round earrings or scalloped earrings to cut the length of your face and widen the proportions.

Girls with long faces are recommended to choose a shorter necklace, collar or collarbone chain on the neck decoration, it is best not to wear too slender style, otherwise it will be easier to deepen the impression of face length.

Heart-shaped face girls tend to have a full forehead and a sharp chin, more like a cone, very feminine, but also sharp, in order to make the face appear more complete, you can choose a narrow lower wide earrings to balance oh.

Diamond face and heart face are somewhat similar, but diamond face cheekbone width is wider, in the selection of earrings to avoid the upper wide and lower tip of the cone ear, pendant shape, drop shape, fan, etc., can reduce the feeling of upper width and lower tip.

Oval face is oval face, smooth facial lines, soft and atmospheric, basic all types of ear and neck accessories can be easily controlled.

What kind of jewelry should we invest in?

Jewelry and clothes in the same way, adhere to the 80-20 rule, the most important thing is that we commute to work the most commonly worn styles only account for about 20%, this part of the main simple and versatile, although the remaining 80% is the majority, it is secondary, such as shopping dating travel jewelry, you need to have a stronger sense of presence more rich style, but can not often be worn by us to go out. So for us, if we want to use 20% of the items in 80% of the scenes, it is more important to choose this small part, so how to choose it?

Buy these two this year, one is metal, one is pearl, probably in a few years will not be out of style.

Compared to silver jewelry, metal earrings this year are a little more popular with fashion bloggers.

A black and white suit, with metal earrings and necklaces, shows the temperament is also more exquisite, easy to add points to the overall shape.

This year's very hot round earrings, the simple shape is just right, neither too conspicuous but also has a sense of presence, a variety of styles can be controlled, recommended as this year's closed-eye style, fashion bloggers are almost a pair of hands.

Metal elements are probably Aimee Song's favorite, and in addition to round earrings, we can often see her wearing various metal necklaces to complement it. The following gold coin pendant style is simple and easy to match, suitable for everyone:

In addition to gold coin necklaces, this year there are a variety of chain-shaped thick collar chains, which are suitable for matching U neck, V neck, square neck, line neck and other large neckline clothes.

If you have a lot of gold necklaces of varying lengths, try to stack them. The collarbone is beautiful enough to be worn open, which adds a "highlight" effect to the collarbone.

The key to overlapping and overlapping necklaces is the level created by the difference between the length and thickness of several necklaces, so that the necklace is arranged according to the U font and V font, which will make your neck look slimmer visually.

Pearl material accessories in the fashion industry has long been popular, the past pearl material accessories give us a feeling of nobility and elegance, such as the following sub-child:

As we also mentioned earlier, the round pearl material is very suitable for square faces and rectangular faces, and the pearl is originally round, so it has a very good soothing effect on the hard facial Angle. Angelina Jolie likes to wear pearl earrings, simple pearl earrings not only enhance the temperament, make her look more gentle, give people a kind of intellectual beauty.

This year's pearl jewelry is no longer only a simple style, in fact, it has also changed a variety of complex shapes, which can more reflect the retro and personality.
Many fashion blogger photos can also see the figure of pearl earrings, the size of the two combined, very retro.

Fashion blogger Maria Bernad not only loves pearls herself, but also produces a wide range of pearl accessories for her personal label Lesfleur Studio.

MISBHV, a new high street brand from Poland that has recently ignited, combines metal and pearl elements with a unique style, cold and a sense of future technology, which is suitable for rebellious punk girls.

In addition to metal and pearl jewelry for our daily travel, many special accessories are also popular, such as shaped earrings and floral earrings. If you're fed up with uniform earrings, shaped earrings can make you stand out from the crowd.

When choosing shaped earrings, it is most suitable for matching simple clothes, and a small bright spot in the simplicity will make people memorable. This year's trend is colorful colors such as taro and lemon yellow, and this also applies to accessories, Amiee Song in this outfit with colorful geometric earrings, colors to complement the color of the outfit.

You can also add a little flower element to your daily outfit, and the whole person will follow with vitality.

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