Gao Yunyong and employees to conduct technical exchanges such as product technology

Due to the interruption of traffic and communication in many areas of Wenchuan at that time, they could only rely on satellite phones to communicate with the outside world. Just completed to protect the Everest flame collection task of the company engineer Da Xun and Luo Guixin non-stop with Hunan,

Shandong and other provinces of the fire brigade to Sichuan, with the fastest speed to ensure the disaster relief command center communication. Da Xun recalled that it was an overnight departure, with the troops in the form of "motorized march + foot" to the Wenchuan epicenter,

and they carried portable satellite communication equipment weighing more than 70 kilograms. Dahoon said that at the time, this satellite emergency communication technology was leading in the world,

and was exclusively used for government emergency communications. "After arriving at the destination, by setting up portable equipment, you can realize real-time clear transmission of video, audio and pictures with the rear to ensure that the rear can see the scene in real time, so as to achieve remote command." Dahoon said.

Commercial space development of new quality productivity riding the trend

In the vast desert, make a video call to a friend, share the desert scenery; In the vast sea, through the mobile phone to relatives and friends a greeting, a safe journey...... It's not just science fiction anymore, it's a satellite phone. And this is just the tip of the iceberg for commercial space applications.

In recent years, China's commercial space has shifted from the initial stage to a period of rapid development, becoming an important supplement to China's space industry and injecting new momentum into the development of new quality productivity.

According to the Blue Book of China's Space Science and Technology Activities (2023) released not long ago, a total of 67 space launches were carried out in 2023, of which 26 were commercial launches, with a success rate of 96%.

A total of 120 commercial satellites were developed and launched, accounting for 54% of the total number of satellites developed and launched in the year.

To welcome the spring breeze, this year's Government Work Report proposes to vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system, accelerate the development of new quality productivity,

actively cultivate emerging industries and future industries, and actively build new growth engines such as bio-manufacturing, commercial aerospace, and low-altitude economy. In Wang Qiaoliang's view, the prospect of the development of commercial space is immeasurable, and the future is very promising.

According to reports, the so-called commercial space refers to the commercialization process of the space industry. In detail, it refers to the participation in the development of the space industry through commercial operation under the principle of marketization,

and the exploration of new mechanisms for the marketization and commercialization of national civil space infrastructure, which covers the whole industrial chain of space technology research and development, manufacturing,

launch and application. Thanks to the development of commercial space, commercial satellites, as one of the application scenarios, can be used in many fields such as communication, remote sensing and navigation.

From the daily application, with the help of satellite communication function, even in unpopulated areas can make calls and send messages; After earthquakes and other disasters, commercial low-orbit satellites can cover the ground immediately to provide emergency rescue support.

Gao Yunyong and employees to conduct technical exchanges such as product technology

For the application of new quality productivity in the commercial space field, Wang Qiaoliang focused on "innovation". In fact, for China Netcom, the most important thing is innovation, and Gao Yunyong is a typical representative.

As a senior engineer of the unit, since his graduation in 2003, Gao Yunyong has obtained nearly 70 patents, including 27 invention patents, and his innovation results have helped enterprises expand the market, reduce costs,and create economic benefits of more than 30 million yuan.

At the same time, Gao Yunyong not only actively innovated himself, but also set up a "Yunyan Quality Public relations team" to overcome the problems in product operation, and also influenced and led more than 10 colleagues to participate in technological innovation,

so that the enterprise formed a good atmosphere for innovation. "He has made outstanding contributions to the technological innovation of enterprises and the development of Nanjing satellite communication industry,

and the employees of the company like to call him 'innovation master'." Wang Qiaoliang said with a smile. Although the focus is on innovation, Wang Qiaoliang believes that the new quality productivity is not only industrial innovation,

but also green innovation, contributing to the realization of the goal of carbon peak carbon neutrality, which is also the important significance of the development of commercial space.

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