The hurricane has caused at least 62 deaths, and Biden said he will spend 65 billion yuan on disaster prevention! Key data suddenly collapsed

Hurricane Ida has caused at least 62 deaths in the United States, with Biden highlighting infrastructure issues in the United States

US President Biden went to Louisiana to inspect the damage caused by Hurricane Ida and delivered a speech on the government's disaster relief efforts.

Biden said that there are currently 25000 electricity workers from all over the United States and workers from multiple states assisting Louisiana in restoring the power system that was paralyzed by the hurricane. Biden said that the US government has currently provided $100 million in aid to disaster victims. The Federal Emergency Management Agency of the United States is helping to implement transitional shelter assistance and providing financial support to residents who have to stay away from home.

Biden said that the severe impact of this hurricane reminds the United States to accelerate infrastructure construction. He will continue to work closely with state governors and Congress to quickly introduce plans to strengthen the construction of roads, bridges, water supply systems, drainage systems, and power grids.

As of now, Aida has caused at least 49 deaths in the Northeast region of the United States and at least 62 deaths in the United States.

Aida invasion causes at least 62 deaths in the United States

The New York City Subway is now known as the "Water Curtain Cave"

On September 1, affected by "Ida", New York City suffered from rainstorm, and more than 20 subway lines were suspended. The daily rainfall in New York City exceeded the normal rainfall in the whole September.

Rainstorm in Northeast America New York Subway is now "Water Curtain Cave"

New York resident: I have been living here for over 20 years and have never seen such a situation before. Everywhere is flooded, the situation is too bad.

Parts of New Jersey have experienced record breaking heavy rain and tornado weather.

Residents of New Jersey, USA: The wind is coming very quickly, and everything may be destroyed in just five minutes.

The terminal of Newark International Airport in New Jersey was once flooded, and hundreds of flights were cancelled on September 2nd.

At least 62 people have died from the invasion of Aida

Tropical pressure system Ada has recently brought heavy rainfall, tornadoes, floods and other disasters to areas such as New York and New Jersey in the United States. ABC reported that Ada has caused at least 62 deaths in 8 states in recent days. Among them, at least 13 people have died in New York City, and 25 people have been reported dead in neighboring New Jersey.

The outdated infrastructure in the United States is difficult to cope with adverse weather conditions

The flooding of the New York subway is becoming increasingly frequent, and the infrastructure construction in New York City and even the entire New York area is lagging behind. However, in recent years, weather changes have become increasingly severe, leading to an increasingly fragile ability of public facilities to cope with weather changes.

So, including New York City Mayor Debrasio and others, they are once again calling for the infrastructure bill to be implemented as soon as possible.

Lack of flood control facilities and basement drowning as the main cause of death

At least 13 people died in New York City, and according to local media statistics, the vast majority occurred in basements when heavy rainfall caused flooding and there was no time to escape and die.

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