The mighty Victoria

Ferguson: "Can I have two bullets?"

In 1998, Beckham was sent off in the heat of the moment against Argentina in the eighth final of the World Cup, and England eventually lost. The attacks came in a flood, questioning his abilities, his character, his professionalism...... He was publicly executed by numerous people, which became the low point of his entire career.

When Beckham was about to break down mentally, it was Victoria who stood behind him, giving him constant energy and courage to accompany him out of this dark day and resist the nagging malice.

In 2003, Beckham also experienced a career setback, transferred to Real Madrid, a strange country, a strange city. He once said that that time was the loneliest time for him.

The scandal happened at a time when Beckham, who had just arrived in Spain, hired Rebecca, a female assistant who was a model and fluent in English.

In an era when newspapers were one of the main means of disseminating information, the cheating scandal was described as "one of the biggest stories of the decade, dominating the front page for ten days." For several years, both became the subject of countless media reporters.

In the documentary, the pair mention that Beckham is a bit upset and tries to play it down: "There are some terrible things that are hard to deal with, it's the first time Victoria and I have been under such pressure in our marriage. I don't know how we got through it, Victoria meant everything to me. We were warriors, and we needed to fight for each other at that time, for our families, and everything we had was worth fighting for."

Of course, his response immediately triggered an uproar from the audience

"Let's not say what we have to fight together, the 'enemy' is not you?"

"A mistake made by one man, how can you say that both men are warriors?"

On the contrary, Victoria's response was more flesh-and-blood, and she mentioned that that time was the least happy time for her. In the past, no matter how the world is against you, as long as you hold each other, you can still fight together, but in Spain, that feeling of owning each other disappeared.

"It felt like the whole world was against us, but to put it bluntly, David and I were each other's enemies."

But Victoria has never been one for relationships and, as she previously mentioned in a VOGUE interview, "We both realised we were so much stronger together than when we were alone. If the two of us had never met and been together for so many years, would we be who we are today? It's all about family ties."

Even if it was always thought that she limited Beckham's career prospects as a player, in fact, Victoria was the one who was strong enough to clean up for Beckham countless times

Countless times in the face of unfriendly media cameras, because her husband work alone with several children, even on the day the child was born, but also need to take care of their own. There is no doubt that Victoria is strong, strong enough that in the face of scandal, she can still face calmly.

"It's not that I didn't feel listened to, but I chose to digest a lot of things myself because I was always concerned about the amount of focus he needed."

Whether it is love, family or business, Victoria is very good at managing.

Do not hesitate to write their number on the ticket, is an active, dare to love and hate the emotional view.

When she married Beckham, she sold the broadcast rights to the media, and she trademarked the family's names and portraits early on.

Beckham from the player to the heartthrob, but also rely on Victoria to create an image and people, to ensure that whenever he appears is so exquisite and meticulous, which of course thanks to Victoria's keen business sense.

From singer to fashion designer, her namesake brand Victoria Beckham, won the British Fashion Design Award, won three designer of the year nomination, although the personal brand for more than ten years of losses, but she still insisted that the beauty line established last year also let the brand finally achieved its first profit.

Not only that, but her business has continued to expand.

At this point, there is even some understanding of why she calls herself a salaryman. As a rich second generation, a big star, clearly can lie flat but still bravely struggle, firmly choose the direction of their own life.

Family and career, in Victoria's eyes, far more important than love.

No matter what she and Beckham have been through, they remain a powerful alliance, the two people in the world who know each other best and can stand by each other.

Give up those unnecessary entanglement, it is not a good thing, thousands of sails, you will always know exactly what you need.

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