Is fashion related to quality of life in modern society?

Before I answer this question, I actually want to ask a question: What is fashion?

There are no more than three things that can be linked to fashion - fashion, new technology, and current events.

Let's talk about fashion first.

Dressing is a very metaphysical thing. If you have a statistical look at popular clothing, you will find that the "fashion" thing seems to be moving steadily forward, but it is actually walking on the Penrose ladder, repeating itself.

When we started the reform and opening up, we were popular with bell-bottoms, flowered shirts, and frog glasses; Later, European and American culture came, and everyone was proud of "wearing a suit and tie"; Until now, wearing a full suit will only make people feel that you are selling insurance, color clothes, size magic pants, with a pair of fried to high prices, but in fact, no matter the style or color is generally not suitable for wearing a certain authentic basketball shoes, and has become a national tide culture sought after by young people.

Wait, now more and more people are starting to resist these "trend culture", maybe in two years, the strict style will make a comeback. The wind of fashion is constantly changing, and if the quality of our lives is to change, the final result can only be reduced to leeks of major labels.

And the clothes really look good depending on who's wearing them.

Have the time and money to pursue the trend, it is better to invest this part of the resources in their own body, read more to cultivate temperament, make more friends to cultivate temperament, more whole skin care products to cultivate skin - I have been immobile, let it come from everywhere. Let's talk about new technology. I studied semiconductors in college.

Of course, I am not an excellent student, and a lot of spare time in school is used to play games and read novels.

In fact, the serious knowledge has been forgotten, but there is one thing that is still burned in my mind - the development speed of technology is really too fast.

In the field of integrated circuits, there is a "Moore's law", proposed by Gordon Moore, one of the founders of Intel - when the price is constant, the number of transistors that can be accommodated on an integrated circuit will double every 18 months, and the performance will double. In other words, the amount of computer power that a dollar can buy will more than double every 18 months.

Mankind began to use semiconductor materials in the 1940s and 1950s of the last century, and now semiconductors have been the cornerstone of modern information technology; The first home computer was the ALTAIR 8800 more than 40 years ago. By now, the penetration rate of computers in China has been very high. In 1985, windows1.0 system came out, and now, my laptop carrying Windows 10, every day something is urging me to update.

Even if only talking about mobile phones, from the popular mobile phone during the reform and opening up period, to the later popular BP machine, and then the straight phone flip phone slide phone, the advanced resistance screen touch screen phone, and then the Nokia N5320, which is considered by these users as the "ancestor of the smart phone"... Racing against technological progress? Come on, a lot of the technology in use today is actually the product of decades of research.

In other words, before the starting gun is fired, the technology that is already running faster than you has already started a long distance - and technology is decades behind fashion.

(metaphor of the devil, know he picked up the treasure ~) Finally talk about current affairs hot spots. emmm, I'm not pretending, I'm showing my cards, I admit, current events this is really important.

Because you have no idea how much fun that phrase "pale yellow dress, fluffy hair" has brought to my boring life. Ask yourself, we usually pay attention to the current affairs, in fact, the vast majority are some entertainment content.

Outsiders watch to eat melons, insiders to the next line, I really can't think of these "off the network everything is fine" content, how to affect a person's quality of life.

Is it true that a black person can be asked to carry the coffin of the other person's family if he or she is accused of "taking a family photo by himself"? It is terrifying to contemplate.

Back to the original question, what is fashion? Disassemble and translate the word in the most straightforward way, and the meaning is "the thing that is admired nowadays."

At this time, we will find a very painful truth - if we currently advocate those repeated wear, is the digital products that have been iterating, is the overwhelming entertainment news on the Internet, and think that this is something that will affect the quality of their lives.

Oh, my God. I don't know what to say.

The thought of someone around me who might be one of them is a little strange to me.

If you just like to dress up, like digital products, like entertainment news, it doesn't matter, everyone has their own hobbies, I also like to play games, everyone is OK.

But I don't think my quality of life has diminished just because I don't play games.

This is a very ignorant idea, because I know very well that games and my life are weakly related.

It can add color to my life, I can even play games for a lifetime.

But I don't feel that my quality of life is too low just because I don't have a game to play one day.

If there is no fashion in our life, it is unacceptable. But if it's just not fashionable, I suggest you still enjoy it.

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