What is love? Let the big guns in the fashion industry tell you

"Love is a little bit of tacit understanding and understanding"

Independent, beautiful, talented and rich, Shannon is the idol of many girls. Just as there is always a woman behind a successful man, Chanel's growth and success can not be separated from one person - Arthur Edward Boy Capel.

They met at a party in 1909, when Chanel was already a figure in the fashion industry, but not everyone could understand her. Capel, on the other hand, understood and appreciated Chanel's avant-garde ideas, and the two fell in love quickly.

Capel's support for Chanel is not only in words, but also in practice. With his investment, Chanel opened her haute couture millinery shop at 31 Rue Cambon, France, and a fashion empire was born.

However, Capel died in a car accident in 1919, and the two were separated forever. However, the love between them did not dissipate, in Chanel's design, you can always see her miss for love.

Do you know why Chanel's iconic logo is a double C? Double C represents the name of Capel and Chanel, is it not suddenly feel that each piece of Chanel more precious?

For example, in Chanel's clothing or accessories, there will inevitably be camellia figure, because camellia is the first bouquet of flowers sent by Capel to Chanel, carrying her best memories of love.

The brand's most classic "Little black dress" is also inspired by the missing of the lover. The clean cut is unforgettable and has become an epoch-making fashion item.

There is also a popular bag Chanel le Boy, which is actually named after Capel.

Ms. Chanel has never married, although her love does not have a fairytale perfect ending, but the love of double C is still the longing of many people: get a friend, it is enough. The tacit understanding and understanding that permeates every bit of life may be the most beautiful stream of water.

02 Lemaire ❤ Sarah

"Love is equal, growing together."

The couple, known as the "Sanmao and Jose" in the fashion circle, was mentioned when I introduced the Lemaire brand. The talented Lemaire and the fresh and unworldly Sarah also fall in love at first sight and consider each other soul mates.

They say good love makes people better: if she hadn't met Sarah, Lemaire would still be working at Hermes in a seemingly glamorous but robotic job. And Sarah will not have the opportunity to pass on her unique aesthetic that is not vulgar to the world.

The two not only have a highly compatible aesthetic concept: "adhere to simple and classic design, so that clothes can survive longer in the wardrobe"; Sarah's talent and sensitivity complement Lemaire's lack of a female perspective. It's fair to say that Lemaire is so successful because both of them are indispensable.

Every time I see this couple, I feel so comfortable and natural. Whether it is clothes, home or lifestyle, two people can easily be the most authentic themselves in front of each other. Such a state, presumably, can only be achieved by a combination and trust from the inside out.

03 Givenchy & Hepburn

"Love is a lifelong companion, never abandon."

The relationship between Givenchy and Hepburn, although not strictly love, is beyond the time and space of deep feeling. Hepburn was Givenchy's lifelong Muse, and Givenchy was with Hepburn throughout her life.

When they first met, both Hepburn and Givenchy were only slightly famous, and even Givenchy was "disgusted" with Hepburn's thin figure that was not in line with the public's aesthetic. However, when Hepburn wore his dress, he realized that his clothes were just for her.

Most of Hepburn's subsequent films featured costumes designed by Givenchy. Hepburn grew more confident in the dress, and Givenchy's dress also shone under her interpretation.

Not only the costumes in the film, Hepburn's personal clothes and even her wedding dress were designed by Givenchy himself. Givenchy also witnessed several of Hepburn's marriages and was always at her side.

In addition to the clothes, Givenchy also designed a perfume for Hepburn called "Taboo", and will not be sold for three years; This perfume is the only perfume Hepburn ever used in her life.

In 1993, when Hepburn was too ill to fly, Givenchy secretly flew her back to Sweden on a private jet. Not only that, the cabin was full of flowers that Givenchy had carefully prepared for her. Only Givenchy has always doted on Hepburn as a little girl.

For more than 40 years, Givenchy and Hepburn always accompanied each other and achieved each other. The picture of two people walking by the Seine River in their later years has also become the most beautiful fairy tale in the hearts of countless people.

Beautiful love is varied, but it also has commonalities: tacit understanding, understanding, companionship, growth... If there is no one around you for the time being, don't be sad, first of all, love yourself, happiness will come sooner or later

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