Different age groups, suitable for what kind of medical beauty anti-aging?

I think it is not rigorous enough to distinguish what kind of project is suitable for you only from your age. After all, for many girls who love beauty, age really does not represent anything, even in the same age group, different people are likely to have different states, so there may not be too strict and fixed answers about this question.

However, a lot of small partners are very persistent about this problem, so today, we will synthesize different skin stages, and give you some suggestions on this problem in the general direction.

Stage 1: I'm still very young and I haven't aged yet

There are not a few people in their early 20s who began to understand anti-aging, obviously the skin collagen is still sufficient, and the fine lines and wrinkles on the face have not yet appeared, but they already know that "preservation" is more important than "improvement". At this skin stage, there is no need to do too "strong" anti-aging projects, and it is enough to do some basic maintenance projects selectively:

Like opt photon, it can be used as a cosmetic rejuvenation project regularly, and it has improved effects for some of the current acne inflammation, acne marks, and epidermal stains, or non-invasive treatment projects, which is an entry-level cosmetic medical beauty.

The second is acid brushing, a project that I personally like and have been doing regularly for a long time. The main reason is that hydroxy acid is obviously helpful for removing waste cutin accumulation on the skin, and it is a project that can strongly update the state of the epidermal layer, and it will have obvious skin rejuvenation effect together with photons.

In addition, many people are afraid of brushing acid will hurt the skin, this part is actually not too worried. There are many kinds of acids, there are mild, there are strong, unless the abnormal skin state, otherwise you can choose to suit your own fruit acids.

The third is water and light, water and light is a water replenishment project, the other effects are not much to say, the effect of water is still very strong, when the skin feels dry (such as autumn and winter) can choose to carry out. If you feel that the skin moisture state is very good, not lack of water, it is also OK not to do water light.

There are other special nutritional functions of water light (such as hi body, the new Rui LAN Weiltierness, etc.) is a different matter, if conditions can also choose, the icing on the cake effect, this time not to introduce, the word limit, free to give you science.

The second stage [fine lines and wrinkles have appeared, slight relaxation]

This stage will generally appear in about 25 to 40 years old, just mentioned several projects can continue to be carried out according to the rule, but also choose to increase some projects that can be significantly improved for fine lines and wrinkles.

Like hot Maggie, the anti-aging hot project in the past two years, can stimulate collagen, tighten the skin, specifically for the relaxation of aging skin to improve, especially in the early old stage, the improvement effect will be more obvious, and the maintenance time will be longer.

You can also choose to use waterlight for fine lines, like Hibody, FILLMED, HPCELL, or now the latest Tiernet, these "upgraded" Waterlight are rich in nutrients and have a slight filling effect, which is obvious for the improvement of fine lines.

Stage III [Apparent relaxed senescence]

The skin has reached a very, very saggy state, if you want to return to the state of young skin, unless it is a large operation like skin lift to improve sagging and sagging, otherwise it is unlikely.

If you do not want to do these large invasive surgeries, it is still recommended to do a combination of projects, the projects mentioned above can be chosen, or even a combination to do, such as hot maggie and buried wire alternately can be done, the relative effect will be more obvious.

Of course, now clinical effective medical beauty projects can be more than the above, here will not give you one by one to introduce (there are too many...) Only specific project specific analysis, the key is to choose according to our current skin situation. If you are interested in other projects, you can send a private message or comment consultation, I will find time to reply to you.

Anti-aging is not a work overnight, there is no treatment can have a "child" effect, or have to be maintained, the first stage and the second stage have according to the law of anti-aging, the third stage naturally comes more slowly than others. ​​​​

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