The healthiest sleep schedule!

Health is our greatest wealth.

Ability is important, character is also important.

However, health is the secret weapon to defeat all opponents.

Here is the healthiest sleep schedule in the world, and you deserve it!

Seven o 'clock, facing the morning sun up.

A glass of warm water is essential to wake up early and start your day off on the right foot.

When you wake up, you need a rich, well-rounded breakfast.

A good breakfast will energize you throughout the day.

Do not do strenuous exercise in the morning, walking to work is a good choice.

The morning is the moment when the brain is most awake, and you can do some difficult things.

Such as solving difficult problems at work, outlining complex reports and so on.

It's almost 10:30. Get up and walk around, look into the distance, and do some eye exercises to soothe your eyes.

After the work in the morning, you can eat some fruit, because the body is most suitable for absorbing the nutrients in the fruit in the morning.

Lunch to eat full, at noon should be supplemented with enough protein, legumes are the best choice.

If you sit in an office for a long time, try not to eat too greasy lunch.

The time after lunch is precious and best used for a nap.

Some people like to shop online or play games at noon, which will make the brain in an excessive state of tension, resulting in no mental work in the afternoon.

Afternoon is the most active time for people to think, which is very suitable for doing some creative work.

Around four o 'clock, drink a cup of yogurt, can replenish the body lost sugar.

From four to seven, when the body and mind are at their peak for the day, we should be doing meticulous and intensive work.

Before you go home, take 10 minutes to summarize your day's work:

What good ideas did you get today?

What experience have you accumulated?

What new tools have you learned?

Proving what ideas...
10 minutes of reflection every day, great tools will become early!

Eat a little food after work, don't eat too much dinner, can be full.

After dinner, take a short rest before you start to exercise.

Walking before jogging is a very healthy way to exercise.

Watch TV after exercising, or crack open a book and relax.

It's almost time to take a bath, so that the body can completely relax and wash away the fatigue of the day.

At eleven o 'clock in the evening, all the organs of the human body begin to rest, do not violate the natural laws of the body, relax and sleep a good night, tomorrow is another good day!

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