The United States questioned the spread of mycoplasma pneumonia in China, and the World Health Organization said fair, saying that China is not a special case

As the weather turned cold in most parts of the country, mycoplasma pneumonia and other respiratory diseases gradually increased, but the United States ignored its own pneumonia data, questioned and smears China, and asked China to share data, and the WHO said a rare fair word for China.

A few days ago, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention spokesman David Daigle said that the United States is concerned about the surge of respiratory diseases in China and will monitor the spread of respiratory diseases in China. The United States also vowed to work with global health partners in response to the increase in cases in China, and urged China to share data and maintain necessary contacts.

But Mr. Daigle declined to respond to questions about U.S. respiratory disease data and whether Chinese travelers would be tested.

In fact, China has already shared data with the WHO after the WHO sent inquiries. According to the WHO, because this is the first year after the outbreak was liberalized, there is not as strict prevention and control measures as before, which appears to be a surge in cases. In fact, mycoplasma pneumonia is not caused by a new pathogen, it is prevalent in many countries, and the number of cases is lower than in the years before the COVID-19 pandemic.

But the United States is still unrelenting, questioning China and wanting to throw dirty water on China once again. In fact, the United States is no stranger to mycoplasma pneumonia, according to statistics, there are about 2 million cases of mycoplasma pneumonia in the United States each year, resulting in more than 100,000 of them hospitalized, because the symptoms of mycoplasma pneumonia and common viral cold are similar, the United States may have more unreported cases. For such a common respiratory infection, the United States is pretending to involve China. Rubio, a well-known anti-China Republican Congressman, also called on Biden to suspend flights to China due to a "new respiratory illness" and impose a travel ban on China. Rubio deliberately refers to the disease that appears every year in the United States as "new respiratory disease", obviously with ulterior motives, and there are probably not a few American politicians who have this idea.

Seeing that the United States questioned the epidemic of mycoplasma pneumonia in China, the WHO came forward to say fair. Who spokeswoman Margaret said at the press conference that the mycoplasma pneumonia currently circulating in China is a common disease in winter, and cases have been found in many countries. Who does not believe that the disease is out of control and widespread, and will continue to monitor the situation. Who's statement, which amounts to an official reading from the perspective of an international organization, is a strong response to some countries' attempts to politicize health matters.

Since the weather turned cold, the number of respiratory infections around the world has soared, but the headlines in the US report on the Chinese case of mycoplasma are getting more inflammatory each time, and the US ambassador to Japan, without even pretending, directly linked mycoplasma pneumonia to the novel coronavirus outbreak. As long as you have basic medical knowledge, you know that mycoplasma and virus are completely different organisms, and American officials deliberately exaggerate them, which will only prove their ignorance and stupidity.

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