Hardcore analysis: The maximum ejection energy of China's electromagnetic catapult exceeds 96MJ! Level with the United States

Recently, the electromagnetic ejection car on the Fujian carrier has caused widespread concern, and even CCTV has reported on it. There is a lot of interest in the performance of the electromagnetic catapults on this carrier. This paper will carry on the technical analysis to show its strong ejection ability.

Comparison of electromagnetic catapult energy between Fujian and Ford aircraft carrier
According to the estimation of the Fujian ship electromagnetic ejection video shot by netizens, the electromagnetic ejection energy of Fujian ship is at least equivalent to that of the US aircraft carrier USS Ford. The Fujian is similar in size and displacement to the Ford. According to the calculation of Fujian ship displacement, deck height and other parameters, it can be calculated that the electromagnetic ejection car from the Fujian ship from the deck to contact the water surface time is about 2 seconds. By analyzing the video screenshots provided by CCTV, it can be calculated that the water point of the car is about 400 meters away from the tail edge of the Fujian ship, and about 160 meters away from the front edge of the Fujian ship's angled deck. Taking into account factors such as air resistance, it can be estimated that the flying speed of the car is more than 80 meters/second. It can be seen that the electromagnetic catapult equipped with Fujian has an ejection energy of at least 96-128MJ, which is equivalent to the electromagnetic catapult of the US aircraft carrier USS Ford.

The weight and performance of the electromagnetic catapult of the Fujian aircraft carrier
Although the specific weight of the electromagnetic catapult of the Fujian aircraft carrier is not clear, the car is certainly not light from the tens of meters of water splashed at the scene. As can be seen from the photo, the size of the car is comparable to the four-axis crane next to it. A four-axle crane of this size is known to have a self-weight of about 30-40 tons. Even according to the estimated ejection speed of 80 m/s, the ejection kinetic energy of the electromagnetic catapult equipped with the Fujian aircraft carrier is as high as 96-128MJ

It is understood that in June 2015, the US Navy carried out an electromagnetic catapult car test on the aircraft carrier Ford, and the car weight in the test was 36 tons, which was successfully catapulted into the sea. The electromagnetic catapult used by the Fujian aircraft carrier has more advanced performance. In the case of the J-35, which has a maximum takeoff weight of 30 tons, the electromagnetic catapult can accelerate it to 90 m/s (324 km/h) at full power. It is speculated that the maximum ejection energy of the electromagnetic catapult of the Fujian aircraft carrier is at least equivalent to that of the electromagnetic catapult of the United States aircraft carrier Ford. Compared to other parameters, the Fujian carrier's electromagnetic catapult performance may be even better.

The stability advantage of the electromagnetic catapult of the Fujian aircraft carrier
US President Donald Trump has expressed dissatisfaction with electromagnetic catapults on Ford-class aircraft carriers, arguing that they are expensive and unreliable, and even joked that only Einstein could understand how to operate electromagnetic catapults. In fact, the reliability of the USS Ford's electromagnetic catapult does have problems, and even the president of the United States is not satisfied. This is mainly because the first generation of integrated power systems used by the aircraft carrier Ford itself has problems, and the electromagnetic catapult is only one of them. On the contrary, the Fujian carrier's second-generation integrated power system uses more advanced medium-voltage DC power technology, which has higher reliability. The electromagnetic catapult of Fujian aircraft carrier is perfectly matched with the second-generation integrated power system and has high stability.

Through the technical analysis of the electromagnetic catapult on Fujian aircraft carrier, it can be found that its ejection ability is strong. By comparison with the US aircraft carrier Ford, Fujian's electromagnetic ejection energy is at least equal to the US aircraft carrier Ford, or even better. The second generation integrated power system adopted by Fujian aircraft carrier makes its electromagnetic catapult apparatus more reliable and stable. The performance of the electromagnetic catapult of Fujian Carrier has an important impact on the combat capability of the carrier, which can provide it with greater capability of frigate-borne aircraft and UAVs. This will further enhance the strength of the Chinese Navy and enable it to carry out missions more effectively in future maritime operations.

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