India announced the construction of a new aircraft carrier, was tricked by Russia to take 10 more years of detours, fortunately, China chose Ukraine first

When India looks at China now, it has a feeling that it has made remarkable achievements in all walks of life, which is enough to be proud among third world countries, but it is outperformed by China in all aspects and without any dead ends. India's economy has overtaken that of its former suzerainty, Britain, to become the world's fifth-largest, with the result that it is no match for China's second-largest; India became the fourth country in the world to successfully explore the moon, while China has even built a space station. India has finally become a big producer of mobile phones and started to take charge of the production of the latest iPhone, as a result, more than 90% of the iPhone 15 in 2023 will still be made in Chinese factories.

In the military field, India's achievements are equally remarkable, but it is still being crushed by China in 360 degrees. India has managed to build the "Tejas" fighter with the help of many countries, and as a result, China has at least hundreds of fifth-generation stealth fighters in service. India managed to build an aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 40,000 tons, but China has already built a large aircraft carrier with a displacement of more than 60,000 tons, and the Fujian ship with more than 80,000 tons has also been launched in 2022.

On November 30, at the regular press conference held by the Ministry of National Defense, Wu Qian, Director of the Information Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense, said at the regular press conference that the Fujian ship is carrying out mooring tests, and the subsequent construction project will be steadily promoted as planned.

Launched on June 17, 2022, Fujian is China's third aircraft carrier and the country's first fully designed and built catapult aircraft carrier.

The current mooring test of Fujian is to conduct a comprehensive inspection of the integrity and reliability of the ship's body, power system, mechanical equipment and electrical equipment to make the ship seaworthy. When a warship starts mooring trials, it means that it is not far away from sea sailing tests, and it will be commissioned in about 1 or 2 years.

May be the Fujian ship news to stimulate India, or India to hold a breath to compete with China, on November 30, the Indian Defense Procurement Committee formally approved the second domestic aircraft carrier procurement plan. According to Indian sources, India's second aircraft carrier displacement of about 45,000 tons, planned to be equipped with France's Rafale M carrier aircraft, a total load of at least 28 aircraft.

Previously, India had planned to build a large aircraft carrier named "Vishal", but perhaps because of its own technical level is not up to standard, India will temporarily shelve the plan, and use the existing experience to build a similar aircraft carrier on the basis of "Vikrant" aircraft carrier.

From the indicators announced by India, India's second aircraft carrier is likely to be a limited upgraded version of the "Vikrant", of course, in line with the principle of lenient enemy material, we still want to overestimate the performance of India's second aircraft carrier as much as possible, such as its 45,000 tons of displacement, may only be the standard displacement, and the full load displacement is expected to exceed 60,000 tons. In this way, the index of India's second aircraft carrier is barely catch up with China's Liaoning ship, the two aircraft carriers are about 30 aircraft load, full load displacement is close, and both use the ski jump deck design.

After India announced the construction of the second domestic aircraft carrier, the next conclusion can be reached: even if according to the most optimistic estimates, India's second aircraft carrier can basically achieve localization, and the indicators are similar to the Liaoning, India has been at least 10 years behind China in aircraft carrier construction technology. Because the Shandong aircraft carrier, which is basically the same as the Liaoning aircraft carrier, was started in Dalian shipyard in November 2013, India decided to build its second aircraft carrier in 2023, exactly 10 years later than China.

And this is the most favorable assessment for India, India's second aircraft carrier localization rate can reach what? Can you meet the target of Liaoning? These are big questions, and 10 years is the most conservative estimate.

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