Beijing International Motorcycle Exhibition as the industry's attention to the event

In the initial exploration of globalization, Chinese enterprises tend to focus on the export of products and capital. However, Lu said companies should put talent training and management at the core of their globalization strategy.The commercialization of AIGC took a solid step forward, and Jiali Zhilian and UNICLONE participated in the exhibition

In the wave of innovative technology, Beijing Jiali Zhaopin Marketing Management Co., Ltd. constantly explores cutting-edge AIGC technology and actively integrates innovative ideas into new business logic.

On May 17, the leading digital integrated marketing company broke through the boundaries of traditional identity and jointly participated in the 2024 Beijing International Motorcycle Exhibition with its incubated AIGC technical team UNICLONE.

In this exhibition, Jiali Zhiline not only demonstrated its technical strength in the field of AIGC, but also created a special edition of the AIGC protagonist story engine for motorcycle enthusiasts - "Motorcycle Diary", in order to stimulate the inner spirit of each participant, and through immersive interactive experience, provide customized "AIGC" interactive experience for participants.

Beijing International Motorcycle Exhibition as the industry's attention to the event, gathered many motorcycle enthusiasts and industry experts. With its deep expertise in the AIGC field, Jializhilian has launched the innovative application "Motorcycle Diary",

which combines the latest AIGC technology and motorcycle culture to create an interactive exhibition experience. By simply taking photos and interacting, visitors can instantly create personalized story posters and videos to enjoy a new and memorable personalized experience. This innovative display not only enhances the efforts of AIGC promotion, but also enhances the awareness and influence of motorcycle culture.

This attempt of Jiali Zhilian shows its strength and foresight in the application of AIGC technology, which is not only a change in the role of the company, but also a successful exploration of its commercial landing in the field of AIGC.

This innovative attempt of Jiali Zhaopin will provide new ideas and possibilities for the marketing model of the integrated marketing industry in the future, and also open up a new field for the practical application of AIGC technology.

With the continuous progress of science and technology, the application prospect of AIGC technology is increasingly broad. Through this exhibition, Jializhilian proved the company's innovation ability and business insight in the field of emerging technologies.

This event marks a solid step for Jializhilian's commercial exploration in the field of AIGC, injecting new vitality into the development of the entire industry, and also laying a solid foundation for the company's long-term development.

Overall, the cooperation with UNICLONE and the appearance at the 2024 Beijing International Motorcycle Show is a successful PR transformation, through this event, Jializhilian not only enhances the awareness and influence of its own brand,

but also makes a positive contribution to the promotion of motorcycle culture and the development of AIGC technology. Demonstrate corporate social responsibility and industry leadership.

It is reported that in the future, Jiali Zhilian will join hands with UNICLONE to continue to explore the application of AIGC technology in more fields - AIGC X cultural tourism...

Continue to promote the deep integration of technological innovation and business practice, bring more possibilities to the development of the industry, and contribute greater strength to social progress.Hurry up and whip! Heihe Central Commercial Pedestrian Street upgrading project entered the large-scale construction stage

In the spring and summer of May, the Heihe Central Commercial Pedestrian Street upgrade project site is a hot construction scene, excavators roar constantly, transport vehicles shuttle back and forth, workers are stepping up construction.

On May 17, the reporter saw at the site of the Heihe Central Commercial Pedestrian Street upgrade project that the project has entered a large area of construction stage, the ground attachment of the block has been cleaned up,

the original stone and concrete pavement has been broken, and the sewage ditch has been excavated. The smooth progress of these steps has laid a solid foundation for the subsequent pipe network laying and pipe ditch construction.

It is understood that the central Pedestrian Street upgrade project began in August last year, 24 buildings facade maintenance and external wall water-coated sand coating work as well as drainage pipe installation,

waterproof works have been completed; On January 13 this year, the construction of the building lighting project began, and the overall lighting project has been completed so far; Construction of concrete trench and underground pipeline began in early May. In line with the principle of minimizing the impact on businesses along the street,

speeding up the construction progress and resuming normal traffic as soon as possible, according to the construction deployment, it will be divided into four sections at the same time to start construction,

accelerate the construction progress under the premise of ensuring safety and quality, as far as possible to compress the construction period, and strive to complete all underground pipe networks and ground paving work in August to restore normal traffic.

Then, the construction and construction of the east and west two gates and various landscape sculptures will be carried out, and all construction contents will be completed as soon as possible.

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