On January 6, 2020, Wu Wenhui, the CEO of China Literature Group at the time, attended the 2019 China Literature Original Literature Festival.

Due to the reasons of Wu Wenhui's team, the relationship between China Literature Group and Tencent Literature and Shanda Literature is inextricably linked.
Wu Wenhui, a technical man who once took the name "Heart of Darkness" as his net name, was responsible for technical work and was one of the founders of Qidian, the earliest online literature website in China.

He launched the "paid reading" model, established a system of royalties shared between authors and platforms, and successfully realized the commercial operation of content.

In October 2004, Shanda Group acquired Qidian.com, and Wu Wenhui served as president of Shanda Literature and CEO of Qidian.com.

As early as 2011, Shanda Literature had filed an IPO prospectus to list in the United States. In early 2012, Shanda Literature had launched a related IPO plan. At this time, Shanda Literature has occupied nearly 80% of the market share of online literature, and began to make profits with the "online payment" model. Subsequently, the time moved to the IP era, and network literature platforms such as Reading Group were highly sought after by capital because they held a number of online literature Copyrights.

Shortly thereafter, Wu Wenhui's team collectively resigned due to development direction and other issues, "forcing the Palace" Grand Group, and later led part of the management of Qidian.com to "leave" in April 2013.

On September 10, 2013, Tencent Literature was established. Wu Wenhui, who has been living at home, joined Tencent in April 2014 as the CEO of Tencent Literature.

In early 2015, Tencent Literature bought Shanda Literature for Rmb5bn, a modest premium to its $600m valuation. Since then, Tencent's QQ Reading, Genesis Chinese website, Yunqi Academy, and the previous grand Literature's starting Chinese website, Xiaoxiang Academy, Hongxiu Tianxiang, etc. are all under the unified management of Reading Group, and the network literary circle also called the acquisition of Wu Wenhui's "perfect revenge".

Wu Wenhui has never hidden his pursuit of independent development. Previously, he said in an interview with the media: "Reading is an independent development of the company, although the major shareholder is Tencent, but we are independent operation and independent development."

China Literature Group landed in the Hong Kong stock market in October 2017, as the first share of online literature, combined with Tencent Holdings, the stock price was once as high as 110 Hong Kong dollars per share, and the market value exceeded 100 billion Hong Kong dollars. After the acquisition of Xinli Media, China Literature Group has become a subsidiary of Tencent Holdings, but due to the rectification of the film and television industry and a series of uncertainties, China Literature Group's share price has fallen in recent years, as of today's close, its share price of 31.95 Hong Kong dollars per share, with a market value of 32.5 billion Hong Kong dollars.

"For reading, listing on two purposes, one is a summary of the past ten years of work, prove that the ten years have not been wasted, we have done this thing; The second is that we have a new goal, so we need more money to complete, "Luo Li, vice president of China Literature Group and one of the founders of the Qidian Chinese website, said in an interview with our reporter.

In the past five years, China Literature Group's online reading and copyright operation sectors complement each other, with 8.1 million creators, 12.2 million works in reserve, and hundreds of millions of users. As of December 31, 2019, China Literature Group achieved 220 million monthly active users, an increase of 6.2 million compared with 2018; Among them, the monthly active users of its own platform products increased by 9.4% to 120 million people. ARPU (average revenue per user) in 2019 reached 25.3 yuan, an increase of 1.2 yuan year-on-year.

Tencent executives have also revealed their optimism about original literature. One of Ma Huateng's proposals for the 2017 National two sessions is "Enhancing the competitiveness of the digital content industry." At the media meeting at that time, Ma Huateng also stressed the importance of literary IP. He believes that the upstream and downstream industry chain of the content industry is very long, from upstream IP to content production, then to channel distribution, and finally to the terminal platform, all have profitability, of which the upstream IP has the most control, "IP is the commanding height, the rest are to follow this intellectual property." Ma Huateng said.

Liu Chiping, president and executive director of Tencent, said at the above performance conference, "Reading is not just a platform to connect readers and authors, over the years, reading has accumulated a lot of novel Copyrights, and has great value for the entire film and television and entertainment industry, hoping that this time the spin-off will make it a listed company, which can have a longer term development."

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