Hollywood's century-old Case: A popular actor involved in a bizarre murder and Hollywood's self-revolution

On October 21, a cameraman on the set of the Hollywood film "Rust" was shot by actor Alec Baldwin, who starred in and produced the film, and died in the hospital.

The exact details of the case are still under investigation, and it is unclear whether local prosecutors will file a manslaughter case against Baldwin or the crew's gunner. Whatever the findings, the lax management and dispute resolution methods exposed by the investigation have tarnished Hollywood's reputation for professionalism.

The tragic nature of the incident also reminded many of an old Hollywood story. It happened exactly one hundred years ago, the same tragic murder involving a famous filmmaker, which also caused an uproar of public opinion at that time, and even changed the general trend of Hollywood in the following hundred years to a large extent.

The story takes place in the autumn and winter of 1911, and the main character is named Roscoe Arbuckle, though he is better known by the nickname Fatty. "Fat Man" Arbuckle, as the name implies, is 175 centimeters tall and weighs 135 kilograms.

With a big belly, he was actually quite flexible, which made him the most popular comedy star in the country at the time. Before his accident, he had acted in more than 150 films and earned millions of dollars a year, and the box office influence was probably better than Jim Carrey and Adam Sandler, the most popular comedical stars in the United States today. If we really want to compare, perhaps it is more like Stephen Chow's huge appeal to the Chinese film circle.

In short, at that time, the "fat" Arbuckle, is definitely a household name in the United States movie red star, even his family's bulldog "Luke", also because he starred in the movie "Fatty and Faithful Fido" (Fatty's Faithful Fido) and became a star dog. However, looking back on his early life, "Fat" Arbuckle's childhood life is not a comedy in any way.

"Fat" Arbuckle and his dog Roscoe Arbuckle was born on March 24, 1887, in an ordinary farmer in Kansas, United States, and weighed six kilograms at birth.

Once let father William (William Goodrich Arbuckle) very doubt that this super fat boy is really his thin stalk of flesh and blood, and eventually because of the husband and wife relationship and ran away from home, completely abandoned the family.

When young Arbuckle was eight years old, a traveling troupe came to their village, just in time for a young actor in the troupe to fall ill and need a replacement. Likable and seemingly born with a talent for comedy, Arbuckle stood out from his peers in the village and got his first taste of acting on stage.

In 1899, Arbuckle's mother fell ill and died. When he was 12 years old, he traveled alone to Watsonville, California, to find his father. Although his father had long since left home, the villagers reported that the old Arbuckle later came to Watsonville and opened a small inn.

The unlucky Arbuckle got there and found the inn, only to find that his father had already transferred the shop and had disappeared. Fortunately, the new owner of the inn took him in, and let him put on some singing and dancing performances in the shop to attract customers.

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