The Hunger Games prequel market has cooled again, and what is the future of Hollywood franchise films

On November 17, the Hunger Games IP movie prequel "The Hunger Games: Songbird and the Snake Song" produced by Lionsgate Pictures in the United States was released globally. According to Deadline news, the film landed the largest single-day box office in North America on the first day of release, and grossed $98.5 million in 88 markets around the world in the first week of the film, including $44.6 million in North America, but failed to break the previous market expectation of $50 million.

According to Box Office Mojo data, in the international market outside of North America, the box office performance of "The Hunger Games: Songbird and Snake Song" is also a big gap with the four previous IP series.

Previously, the "Hunger Games" series of movies with a novel dystopian setting and a cool point of intensive escape game Settings in the global box office of nearly 3 billion US dollars, opened the popular trend of youth fantasy works. However, this new work, which is released eight years after the end of the original story, has failed to continue the brilliance of the "Hunger Games" IP in China. "

The Hunger Games: Song of the Songbird and the Snake" was released 14 days before the release, and five versions of the preview were released in the following two weeks, but the intensive pre-release promotion and the strong participation of Peter Dinklage failed to attract widespread attention from domestic fans, and the number of "want to see" of the film failed to exceed 20,000 on the Maoyan professional version and before the release.

According to cat eye professional version data, as of press release, "The Hunger Games: Song of Songbirds and Snakes" domestic cumulative box office of 46.67 million, only on the first day of release to the mainland's single-day box office ranking second, when ranked first is the 17 days of release of the domestic film "Save the Suspect".

Since then, the film's single-day box office ranking has been ranked after "Save the Suspect" and "Priceless", and it has shrunk all the way after hitting the film's best single-day box office score of 14.3317 million on the second day of release, and has been living below 3.6 million since the fourth day. On November 24, with the release of four new films, "I am the Mountain", "Knife Point", "Star Wish" and "Closer to Me", "The Hunger Games:

Songbird and Snake Song" failed to set foot in the top five of the mainland's one-day box office, and the total box office forecast for the film by two ticketing analysis platforms, Maoyan and Lighthouse, did not exceed 55 million yuan.

With the Hunger Games: The Song of the Songbird and the Snake's box office cold, the film only received a pass-line score. So far, the film has scored 7.1 points on Douban and 7.2 points on IMDb, both of which are on par with the first Hunger Games film, but the CinemaScore audience rating (B+) is lower than that of all original films. However, in China, nearly 40% of netizens still scored four stars on Douban after watching the movie, which is better than the domestic evaluation of the final chapter of the Hunger Games.

At the same time, the film has a 65% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, higher than Disney's "Wish to Star" (48%), Marvel's sequel "Captain Marvel 2" (62%), and DreamWorks Animation's "Tangled 3" (63%), which opened in the same period. According to Deadline on November 19, "The Hunger Games: Song of the Songbird and the Snake" has received good word-of-mouth among women under the age of 25 in the United States, which may help improve its box office performance during the Thanksgiving holiday season.

The pass score failed to bring the big IP prequel a pass at the box office, partly due to the aftermath of the Hollywood strike. According to the Hollywood Reporter on October 30, because Lionsgate is not part of the Alliance of Film and Television producers, "The Hunger Games:

The Songbird and the Snake Song" was able to reach a temporary exemption agreement with the Screen Actors Guild during the strike, allowing actors to participate in the film's promotion before the release, but the relatively tight publicity time and the sluggish film market after the long strike still had some impact on the film.

In addition, the original work of the Hunger Games: Songbird and Snake Song was released during the epidemic, which failed to attract widespread attention worldwide, and only President Snow in the core role of the film has a clear connection with the previous work, and the new members and new backgrounds make it unable to benefit from the mature cast of the prequel, and fail to set off a big wave in the IP fan circle in China.

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