People with five characteristics of their body indicate that they are very healthy, and it is difficult for them not to live long

Extending life is something that everyone wants, but not everyone can do it.

If we don't pay attention to our physical health in our daily lives, it will be difficult to prolong life.

A healthy person,

What are the characteristics?


Fast damage repair

If the body repairs various injuries quickly, it indicates normal coagulation ability and the ability of white blood cells to resist foreign invasion is also functioning normally.


Bright hair

Doctors believe that "hair is beyond blood", and the quality of hair depends on the essence and blood stored in the liver and kidneys. If the body's Qi and blood are insufficient to reach the head, it can lead to white hair or hair loss.

In addition, hair can also indicate whether there are problems such as excessive brain use, mental stress, or nutrient deficiencies in the body.


1-2 bowel movements per day

Difficulty in bowel movements is one of the important criteria for testing the health of the digestive and excretory systems.

Long term inability to defecate and accumulation of feces can continuously produce toxins, causing gastrointestinal dysfunction, endocrine disorders, mental stress, and other problems.

A cup of plain water in the morning can promote excretion and prevent constipation. It can also dilute blood and promote blood circulation.


Stable weight

A stable weight represents that your body is in a balanced state and also in a healthy state. At this time, as long as it is not too fat or too thin, there is no need to deliberately lose weight or gain weight.

Because sudden changes in weight often indicate the onset of illness, the body's original balance can also be disrupted. Once the work of various organs in the body is disrupted, it can lead to a decrease in material absorption and affect physical health.


Good sleep

Health experts believe that sufficient sleep, a balanced diet, and appropriate exercise are the three pillars of a healthy life. If one desires health, they must reassess the significance of sleep for health and attach importance to sleep management. Good sleep helps boost immunity.

If there is long-term insomnia or staying up late to work, etc; It has a negative impact on the immune system, can accelerate the aging of multiple organs, accelerate functional decline, and cause a series of diseases.

Unhealthy lifestyle habits are the killers that attack health, and healthy habits benefit life. So, health depends more on habits and comes from the bits and pieces of daily life.

A healthy body,

It is necessary to achieve these points:


Drink water first in the morning

After getting up and washing up, drink a large glass of water first, which is not only a great compensation for the body, but also an effective purification.

In the early morning, the food in the stomach has been emptied, and the newly consumed water can reach every corner of the body in about 21 seconds, promoting the whole body to vomit and absorb new things.


Must have breakfast

Breakfast must have enough moisture; Sufficient energy; Adequate protein.

An ideal stress resistant breakfast is a breakfast rich in protein, carbohydrates, and fiber, such as porridge (carbohydrates), lean meat or eggs (protein), a fruit or a plate of cold vegetables (fiber).

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